New Biggining

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It has been a week scince the whole incident at the hospital. After Addis had a second sergury and recoverd he was a happy and healthy baby boy. Out of fear I hadn't tooken a pregancy test, Kian and Andrea were so cute together I didn't want to ruin it by telling Kian he was going to be a father. Ricky and Lia were still together even though Ricky stopped my wedding by proclaiming he loved me. I kept trying to get closer to him but he seemed to not care. David dissapeared with Lexi somehwere after the wedding. He only called once to tell me that. It does sound like something my idiotic brother would do.

I wake up to a baby Addis screaming at the top of his lungs. I sigh and get up to see what was going on. I walk into his nursery to see Lia and Kian already in their rocking him in his crib. I clear my throat to let them know I'm in the room. Kian spins around and gives me an angry look. He had just moved into the house because he said it was getting lonly at his place. He walks closer to em and whispers, "It turns out Andrea was just seeing me because she felt now me and Lia might date."

I raise my eyes at him, him and Andrea were perfect! He walks back to Lia and they both take care of Addis. I walk out and bump into Ricky, he gives me a tired smile and says, "I heard Addis crying, is he okay?"

I nod and run to the bathroom, I was dieing to know if I was pregnant and their were still test left over from when Lia took a test. I do the thing and wait for the answer, after a while of passing I look and see the test say negative. Thank God! I take a relived breath and throw away the test and walk out. I turn the corner to go back to my room and I bump into Ricky once again. I smile up at him and he smiles back down at me. His beautiful hazel green eyes look down at me and I've never wanted to kiss anyone more in my life. Before I could say anything he pulls me in for a kiss.

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