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After the confrontation with my parents David moved in, Jc and Jenn went on a romantic vacation together, Lexi and Lia went on some retreat thing and Kian went to see family. So it was just me and Ricky, and I was so happy.

It was the morning after everyone left and I was going to take action to what Jenn said about Ricky. I woke up and ran to my makeup table, I fluffed my hair and put on some light pink lipstick, it was ricky favorite. I put on some mascara and curled my eye lashes foe extra effect. I looked down at my frumpy pajamas and tried to straighten them out the best I could, I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and smiled. Ricky was going to forget all about Lia soon.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where Ricky was sitting down eating some lucky charms. He looks at me and I could see his jaw drop. I give him a smile and go to the wine rack and grab a bottle, I poor me and him a glass. I sit next to him and flip my hair. He still stairs at me and says wide eyed, "What's the occation?" I smile at him and whisper, "You'll see." He smiles and shoves another spoonful of lucky charms in his mouth. I smile and take a sip of my wine. Ricky was mine for the weekend and I wasn't going to let it slip through my fingers.

After breakfast I could feel the buzz of the wine as me and Ricky sat on the couch to watch our normal cartoons because we were children at heart. I curl up next to him and kiss his cheak, as I lay on his shoulder I could feel him looking at me. I smiled and kept watching the show. After it was done Ricky sat up and so did I, he gave me a divious smile and I smiled right back at him. I leaned in and started to kiss him. It started to get real heated and nethier Ricky or I stopped it. He picked me up and we started to go to his bedroom. Midway up the stairs he stopped kissing me, dropped me down and started laughing. I look at him and say, "What!?"

He starts to laugh again and says in between laughs, "I'm not that strong!" Now heres when I laughed. I grabed his arm and led him up to his bedroom. Then one thing led to another but this time I didn't feel guilty.

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