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Omg so many time jumps I'm sorry ~Kayla <3

After the gender reveal a few months later I woke up to contractions, I shook Ricky awake and we made our way to the hospital.

I've never been so nervous in my life.

We get into our room and I sit down on the couch with Ricky, I could tears filling my eyes.

"Whats wrong?"

I nervous laugh and reply, "I'm just really nervous."

He gives me a smile smile and gives me a huge hug and a kiss on the top of my head. I knew I could do it with him by my side. He let's go of me and I turn to face him.

He smiles at me and says, "Well...I guess I should give you a push present since you are giving birth to my child and all."

I laugh and he pulls a black box from his pocket, he opens it and I see the most beautiful necklace that has a Z and I on it. I feel more tears in my eye and I give Ricky the biggest hug I could give. Then he puts the necklace around my neck and the doctor walks in. He hooks me up to everything and in a matter of hours it was time to have Zera.

I start to push and it was more pain than I have ever felt. I know I'm probably killing Rickys hand because he's wincing with me.

"You can do this baby your doing great!" Ricky says to me.

I look over to him and say, "You f***ing did this to me."

I just smiles at me and pulls my hair out of my face as I give the last push.

The doctor lets Ricky cut the umbilical cord and they put Zera on my chest. I start to cry and look down at my beautiful crying baby. She was healthy and I was ready to start my new life with her and Ricky.

As one big family.

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