Life happens

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After a while they finaly let me in the room. I walked in to a crying Lia and Ricky just staring at his phone...but no baby. I knock and walk in, Lia doesn't even lift her head and Ricky jumps up and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry I ruined your wedding..." He whispers in my ear.

"No...thank you Ricky."

He lets go of me and starts to explain how when Addis was born he wasn't crying and they found out the left side of his heart wasn't fully developed and that he had been in surgary for 2 hours. I sit next to Lia and ask, "How are you doing about this?"

She shakes her head and whispers, "It's all my fault...I drank a few times when I was pregnant with him and now he might die."

Before I could replay theirs another knock on the door and Kian, Jc and Jenn walk in with baloons and a solem look on their face...looks like Ricky texted them. They all walk in and Lia starts to cry even harder when she sees the baloons. Kian sets them all down by her bed and doesn't give me and Ricky anything but a stony glass as he sits in a chair. Jc sits next to him and Jenn sits next to me with Lia.

"Well...I guess the gangs all back." Jc says louder than he thought.

Nobody replies at his awkward comment and the doctor walks into the room looking so sad...that can't be good news.

He stands in the middle of the room and starts to speak, "Luckly we found a compatipal heart for Addis and we started the transplant...but his little body isn't taking it very well. He's very frail and sicky scince he was born early...I'm so sorry Lia and Ricky but I don't think hes going to make it through the night."

Lia starts to cry even more and I look at Ricky to see tears quickly falling down his face. I felt so bad for him. The doctor walks into the room and Lias crys start to get louder and Ricky starts to sob...this can't happen! Even though Lia made mistakes while she was pregnant this can't happen!! Jc and Kian walk over to Ricky and pat his back.

I try to help Lia calm down as best as I could but then Jenn angerly stands in the middle of the room and yells, "Lia this is all your stupid fault! You drank while you were pregnant, parted, and only God knows what else you did! You should feel bad for whats happening to Addis right now because you were sopposed to be his mother, and if you didn't even want him you and little Ricky over there should have been more careful! There I've said everything I need to..."

She storms out of the room with Jc folowing her. I look at Lia and she has a solem look on her face...Jenn should have never said that. Before I could try and say somthing to her or Ricky a nurse walks in wheeling a little basket.

The nurse smiles at Lia and Ricky then says, "I thought it would be a good feeding time for him...and I knew you havn't seen him yet. We'll just have to be very careful."

Lia finaly gets a some what happy look on her face as the nice nurse hands Addis to her. Ricky runs over to Lias bedside and starts to talk to Addis. Kian walks over to me, grabs my hand and walks me outside. He shuts the door and turns to look me in the eye.

"What happned between us?"

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