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you look like you've grown
i can't remember the last time i saw you
are your scars getting better?
do you mind if i see them?
u n l o v a b l e
p a t h e t i c
f a i l u r e
w o r t h l e s s
m e d i o c r e
d a n g e r o u s
they look they're fading
i'm sorry for carving those into your heart
if i could turn back time
know that i will do anything to do so
the older i got
the more i realized that you
are the most precious person to me
hurting you will always be wrong
you have every right to fear me
you have every right to be ashamed of me
i'm a hopeless adult right now

it's okay
i'm not scared or ashamed
but can you promise me one thing?
can you make sure the wounds in your heart
heal before i shrink to an old lady?

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