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i sit in a prison
burden tied to my feet
pressure sitting on my shoulders
too much and
never enough
god what an awful way to live
but that's my punishment
i can't do anything right
but i'll do anything you say
even if i'm scared
i just want to be worthy of love
even if i don't deserve it
because i'm not okay
and it's shameless, but
i want to live too
so please
teach me how to leave this prison
even if i have to throw away my pride
if i can just take a step out
and they'll see my scars
and i won't run back inside
tell me... i have a choice
to stay outside
because i don't know
and i am scared
and ashamed
and i would crawl back
into the darkness
like i don't have a choice
it's all i ever know
if punishment is what i'm used to
what would the absence of punishment
feel like?

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