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it's cool to be kind
they said on tv
those who hurt
are the ones hurting
what do you
like about yourself?
i am kind
that's so plain
that's so good
why won't you say his name?
i don't want him to
get in trouble
why? he's hurting you
but he's probably hurting himself
mommy i asked
is being kind good?
of course it is
but baby
you're too kind
that's why
it's not your strength
it's your biggest weakness
what do you
like about yourself?
i don't know
why won't you report him?
i had a dream
that he went on
and met the love of his life
they got married
and grew old together
it was so beautiful
but my chest was hurting
i didn't want to take that away
because i was hurt
do you think you've
been kind to yourself?
i'm not sure
i think it's enough
to make others
happy first
is it really enough?
i guess not
i wouldn't be here if it was
you're a kind person
and that's wonderful
but let's learn
how to be kind
to yourself first

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