i met you half way

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my dear child
how i wish
you could grow up
the way i did
how i wish
you could run as fast
as you could
with red bayberries
in a self-made pouch
of your shirt
how i wish
you could sit by the lake
waiting for movement
and pouncing into the waters
and arising with a frog
in your small hands
how i wish
you could use a penny
to buy a candy
and suck on it
like it was the world's very
last candy
how i wish those simple times
would last
but innocence is too fragile
and as times passes
we are forced to bear
more responsibility
at younger and younger ages
because people are too selfish

mommy and daddy
i finally understand
why you couldn't understand
why i tried to die
at ten years old
because the lives you lived
no longer existed
yet you guys
wanted it desperately to exist
but i am in a different country
at a different time
where i could get taken away
if i was found alone
in the playground next door
where i was different
from everyone around me
and i couldn't focus
when they insulted my family
where kids would get scared
of leaving school
in a body bag
the more i think about it
the more my heart hurts
the more i wished
i grew up the way you guys did
even if food was scarce
and only a penny could be spared
that penny
could buy the world's very
last candy

but regardless of time
let's try to live
and understand
each other
a little bit more

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