Chapter Thirteen

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The man continued to stare in shock at the blond in front of him before he sighs and runs a hand through his scruffy black hair that hung to the top of his ears. He steps aside and lets the younger man enter his home, watching him take a look around as he walked over to the dining table to take a seat; the man followed. He studied the younger man; he had grown and got bigger since the last time they had seen each other and he could feel the power radiating from him.

"So are you here to attack us again?" Theodore asks with a raised eyebrow and Ares shakes his head.

"I was hoping to join your cause, I know it's a long shot but I've spent the last two years training to get stronger and building up troops to help you with your fight," he tells Theodore, waiting for some type of reaction when a small smirk takes over the young man's face. He sits forwards to look closer into the blue eyes of the large man

"You want to know why I spared your life that day two years ago?" Theodore asks and without waiting for a reply he keeps talking, "It's because I had a vision of you fighting with me against whoever has taken my home. I was ready to take your life that day but didn't."

They stare at each other for a long few minutes before Ares looks down at his hands.

"I did a lot of bad while working with those people while thinking what I was doing was right. Mara almost killed me that day after you escaped and it broke my heart when she shredded our bond and left me there. The last two years I went and found every sorcerer I could; asked them to train me and to come to me when I asked them too. They all agreed." He tells the blond who sits back with a little shock on his face.

"How many?"

"I have found two hundred and fifty people to help fight; surprisingly ninety of them are sorcerers who have all different kinds of magic. The rest are soldiers who helped me hone my ability with weapons. If you will let me join you in your fight, I can bring them to us and they will help." Ares tells him and they're silent for a long time, weighing up what was going to happen.

"I got a lot of shit from my friends for sparing your life that day but I would do it again. The vision is the truth; you will fight with us..." Theodore trails off, realising he didn't know the man's name and seeming to realise that too, the man smiles lightly.

"Ares; my name is Ares."

"Theodore." They smile at each other before the blond stands, looking at him expectantly. "You better come home with me, meet the others and let them come to understand the positive outcome that will come from you being with us."

Forty five minutes later, after taking a bit longer to talk about the time Ares spent with the sorcerers and Theodore was entering the house with Ares behind him, a smile breaking out over the blonds face when he smells the lovely scent of Alissia's cooking and the smile growing to a grin when Tristan rushes over to him, bringing the blond into his arms and placing his lips on the smaller boys; missing the black haired man standing awkwardly behind them as Theodore kisses back with his hands holding the brunets cheeks.

"God, you took ages!" Tristan exclaims when they pull away, licking his lips to savour the taste of his blond.

"Well, if you're gonna greet me like this every time I'm gone that long, I might do it more often." Theodore jokes, laughing when the brunet slaps his chest lightly though his laugh is cut short when he sees Ares.

"What is he doing here?"

"Ares is here to help, I will explain over dinner." Theodore tells his friend, bringing his attention back to the blond when he grabs his hand and drags him to the dining room where the others are getting the table ready.

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