Chapter Fourteen

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Many days passed, though those days were filled with a lot of fighting as Ares came by every day to train with Theodore and watch his technique when training others, he wasn't surprised to see the blond could practically throw grown men a few feet away from where he grabbed them. He was also not surprised that when the magic wielding twins sparred with the man, that they too were over powered by the younger man.

Ares had spent the days between when he would come here, writing and sending letters to the people he needed to come to him and waiting for their responses until many days later he heard back from all of them saying they would meet him at the property he described. The rest of the time that he spent at the property with the group he had previously attacked, he grew to become very familiar with them all while watching the soulmates closely; it was clear to Ares that they would be intimate in the physical sense but also the mental sense as there was obviously still much they hadn't admitted to each other.

Fighting the man he had become was incredibly taxing for the older man as he had forgotten how the smaller man had bested him two years before though he could see that he surprised Theodore quite a few times with the way he swung his sword and he felt delighted by the shock flooding the blondes face when Ares brought fire to life around the blade of his sword and swung it towards him. They stopped a half hour later when Theodore crossed his arms, staring at the sword that was still covered with dark purple flames.

"How did you do that?" The blond had asked, a large grin on his face as the flames disappeared.

"It was something I learned from one of the fire sorcerers who had once worked as a torturer for one of the former kings of Endolias back a good thirty years or so when he was just eighteen." Ares answered, bringing even more surprise to the man's face.

"He was eighteen and worked as a torturer? That's incredible, I want to meet him!" He exclaims excitedly, his golden eyes lighting up in a way that made Ares question whether that was a good idea or not.

"He will probably like the natural fire that lives inside you, it'll speak to the fire within himself." Ares shrugs and gets back into position when Theodore uncrosses his arms, his fingers curling around the hilt of the sword strapped to his back; the very sword Theodore had carried when he and Tristan ran from their home, and the same sword he'd used to bring the large man down two years prior.

Today though was a day where he decided to sit out and watch Theodore train the twins; loving the way the breeze ruffled his dark hair. The blond's technique was quite unusual; like he didn't really care if he was hurt, which Ares was beginning to realise was true since the younger man's body was a lot like his own meaning his sorcerer powers healed his body from any and all wounds, unless they were life threatening and couldn't be healed with magic. He was lost in his thoughts as he watched the twins try and hit Theodore with everything they had, meaning the younger blond would hit them back with exactly the same force and power; sometimes using fire, sometimes using ice and sometimes using air, the raven haired man had only ever seen and felt Theodore use his earth magic a few times when his training partner was getting especially tricky to beat. Ares was beginning to understand that Theodore wasn't against using dirty tricks to win a fight, if it meant he would survive and be victorious.

He looked to the side when the prince sits beside him, smiling lightly at him causing Ares to smile back though he did feel surprised that the prince had decided to sit beside him. Considering that past they had; a lot of them had forgiven but none of them had forgotten what he'd done. Tristan would never forget how hurt Theodore had been when he reached them at the clearing, lucky to even be alive though for the blond's sake, the prince decided to be friendly to the black haired man. He trusted Theodore's judgment about him; he also trusted Theodore's vision.

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