Chapter Five

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Waking the next morning was hard for both boys as they remember they're in a tree and it dawns on them both that today was Tristan's twenty first birthday.

"Happy birthday, Tris." Theo murmurs sleepily, rubbing at his eyes and Tristan grins, untying the rope and wrapping it up around his hand so it would fit better in the bag. Theo studies the ground silently for a moment before jumping down and stretching his aching muscles, Tristan following him down a minute later.

"Thanks, maybe we can celebrate once this is all over." He says to his blond friend, running his hands through his hair.

"Of course we'll celebrate when this is all over but for now let's get going; the closer we can get the better." Theo orders and they set out at a jog, eating some bread and cheese on the way. It got hotter the longer the boys walked, the sun piercing through their black armour making them sweat, which in turn made them drink a lot more water until their canteens were empty; Theo swearing lowly and Tristan jumping at the harshness in his voice.

"Why couldn't it be autumn?" Theo says, rubbing a hand over his brow.

"Theo it is autumn, winter is in a few weeks. Hopefully we make it to wherever we're going before then otherwise we'll freeze." Tristan replies and Theo stares blankly at his friend before sighing and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well we better get moving, faster and pushing ourselves harder to get there, if we've only got a few weeks before we freeze to death." Theo states sarcastically with a roll of his eyes before fastening his pace into a run, Tristan running after him. Moving in silence until they meet a road and continue down it towards their destination, making sure not to look anyone in the face if they pass anyone and as the sky darkens Tristan goes to slow down, only to see Theo isn't; he runs to catch up to his friend.

"We're not stopping?" He asks and Theo shakes his head.

"Not if it'll be cold soon, if it snows while we're still out here we'll be easier to track if we try and hide. Let's keep going and we'll stop tomorrow night," the blond answers causing the taller brunet to groan but he doesn't protest and follows his friend.

As Theo had said, they keep going all night and all of the next day, slowing to a walk when their legs tire but speeding into a run when they feel better and by the time the sun has sunk well below the horizon the boys are exhausted and sink to the ground against the trunk of a large tree.

"We really need to get up to a branch." Theo says, rubbing his stinging eyes as Tristan sighs. They sit for a little while longer before Theo stands and grabs his friends hands, pulling him to his feet and they both scale up the tree to a large branch that would hide them if anyone looked up. Once again, Theo leans against Tristan as they get comfy on the tree with Theo between Tristan's legs comfortably while the brunette ties them to the tree; effectively stopping them from falling down.

"How much longer do you think we have?" Tristan asks, his arms wrapped loosely around Theo's waist as that was the only place they could be; Theo didn't mind as it was quite comforting.

"I'm not sure, but we're close to halfway now. Might be another few days to a week of running." Theo muses tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Theo, I have to say I don't know what I'd do if you weren't with me right now. I'd probably be dead." Tristan says quietly and Theo chuckles, turning as much as he could to see the Prince and when they meet eyes a warm feeling runs through his chest.

"It's fine my friend, we are all we have left now. I'll protect you with my life." Theo replies and Tristan feels tears fill his eyes. "No tears, Tris please, just accept my words and have faith in me."

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