Chapter Ten

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After making sure his friend was okay, the group set off; Theodore slouched on the front of Tristan's horse's saddle with his head leaning back against the brunet's broad shoulder as he was still knocked out. Tristan's heart was still sick with worry as Theodore had now been unconscious for three hours and even though he would whimper in pain every now and then, the prince wasn't sure he was going to recover properly. Though he'd still love him the same amount, nothing could stop him from feeling the way he does for the smaller boy.

Tristan tightened his arms around his friend even though he knew the rope tying them together wouldn't let the blond fall from his grip, his fists closing tightly on the reins as he steered the horse forward, he was positioned between the two red heads, who led the way and the two magic wielder blonds were behind him; Justin had tied the extra horse to the back of his saddle with some spare rope in case Theodore woke up and wanted it.

No one had spoken for a long time, all of them just keeping to themselves and focusing on where they were going. While Tristan had been washing away the blood from Theodore's body, the other four had spoken at lengths about what they going to do now that the inn wasn't safe anymore; especially since they couldn't pack any food or extra clothes. Thankfully Theodore had just managed to grab the boys armour when he ran from their room; though it didn't help much since he hadn't been wearing it during the fight.

Tristan tensed when the smaller male shifted in his arms, one of his hands coming up to rub at his tired eyes. The golden orbs opened to find trees passing them slowly on all sides and warmth all around his body, he panicked for a moment before he shifts his back to the side to meet the prince's green eyes and feeling his body relax at the relief that flooded through him.

"How did you find me?" Theodore asks quietly, resting his head back where it was and bringing a smile to life on Tristan face as he got more comfortable against him.

"You found us actually, I'm surprised you didn't fall from the horse but I'm glad you got to us. I doubt you would've lasted much longer with your injuries." Tristan murmurs into the blonds ear, feeling him shudder slightly. Its then that Theo feels his body isn't sticky with blood and opens his eyes to look at his clothes; he had been completely changed from head to toe, raising an eyebrow he turned to meet the princes gaze and the brunette feels his face heat up at the realisation Theodore was putting together.

"Did you change me?" Theo questions and Tristan nods, his face getting darker at the memory as he thought back to when he had entered the stream.

It hadn't been flowing fast so Tristan didn't have to worry about being swept away while holding the bulkier male as he began to tug at his friends clothing; pulling the ripped shirt from his now wounded porcelain skin effortlessly. The other four had moved away to give him privacy when Tristan began to fumble with Theodore's trousers, feeling his face flush crazily at the thought of undressing him while the blond was out cold.

He'd taken a deep breath before holding the smaller man against his body with one hand while the other worked the button and zipper of his pants, pushing them down Theodore's hips. His eyes only trailed down the smaller males body once as he washed away the blood from Theo's legs, seeing some cuts along his thighs. He kept his eyes on his face as he brought the blond against him again, lowering to sit on the muddy floor of the stream.

Alissia walked back over with a kind smile as her eyes stayed locked on Tristan green orbs, she had some clothes in her hands and also a large cloth to wipe any excess water from Theodore's body so the clothes didn't stick uncomfortable to his skin. The older woman had helped him dry the blond, wondering how he hadn't woken up with all the vigorous movements; Tristan didn't feel awkward about the red head helping him since she was Theodore's godmother and he could see the sorrow in her eyes when she saw a particularly large slash going from Theodore's belly button to the top left side of his rib cage; luckily it wasn't deep, otherwise Theodore would be in serious trouble. They dressed the worse of the wounds before pulling a dark shirt over his head and heading to the horses where Micah lifted Theodore up when Tristan was situated, then tying the rope around them to stop the still unconscious Theodore from slipping out of the princes grasp.

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