Chapter Nineteen

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Be SPOILT tonight because I'm feeling generous

Tay <3


It was quite obvious to Theodore that Mara was expecting him from the smug look on her face though there was a slight hint of fear in her voice when she finally spoke up.

"Theodore Ashwood I presume?" She says, pausing to take a few steps and crossing her arms loosely over her chest, "you look nothing like what Ares described to me, though he did get your eyes right. How golden they are, like honey."

"What do my looks have to do with anything?" Theodore questions, a confused frown over his eyes.

"She complemented me too." Wyatt says and Theodore looks at him.

"That is strange. Did she complement you, Tris?"

"Yeah, said I was as handsome as she'd been told."

"Well, I have to agree you are quite handsome." Theodore's chuckle brings a smile to Tristan's face.

"I think we've done enough chatting!" Mara exclaims, obviously annoyed but Theodore just grins at her.

"I haven't been able to chat with my soulmate and friend since you took them so you'll have to excuse me for the talking," he says, a slight sarcastic tone to his voice. Suddenly remembering the extra sword strapped to his back he takes it down and holds it out to Tristan, "your sword my Lord."

Tristan couldn't help the large grin as he took the sword from Theodore's grip, their fingers brushing slightly and sending shocks of electricity down their spines. The weight of the blade was familiar to Tristan and he immediately held the sword by his side tightly, ready to strike if he needed too.

"Do you really expect to win this fight?" Mara asks and Theodore points his emotionless stare at her.

"I don't expect to win, but I know we will." Theodore answers to which the brunette woman laughs loudly, though Theodore was happy that she was still talking and not fighting, it gave his army time to surround them. Ares knew what to do if Theodore didn't return to them.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with." Mara sneers, her top lip curling back slightly.

"No, I think it is you who don't know who you're up against. Do you have any idea who I am or what I am capable of?" Theodore says and she rolls her eyes.

"You are some boy who was told he could beat someone like me, but you ignore one key factor of this whole fight or why it's happening. Does anything about me seem familiar to either of you?" She asks and the boys share a look, "my mother was Queen Arianna, though I am her child by another man before the King and had to give me up to prove her love for her husband."

"That's not true!" Tristan shouts.

"You are a fool not to believe me, the moment you laid eyes on me did you not feel some kind of pull towards me? Like your body and soul recognised mine?" As Mara spoke, Tristan thought back to when he first saw her in the cart a few weeks prior and he couldn't deny that pulling feeling he had though he thought it was a pulling towards Theodore not this woman.

"Tristan, don't listen to her. Mara has the ability to create false bonds with people and tug on them as she pleases when she pleases," a deep voice says from behind the boys and they turn to see Ares stalking out of the shadows, tall, dark and looking impossibly threatening.

"Ares, I'd been wondering where you disappeared too. I am extremely surprised to see you with the enemy." Mara says, her eyes slightly wide with shock though she soon schools her features to the smug look she always wears.

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