Chapter Eight

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After explaining multiple times about who he is, Tristan gives up with a sigh and pulls Theo with him away from the blonde twins to sit down at the bar, thankfully the twins stay where they are; clearly still in shock that they were actually in front of the prince. Micah and Alissia are soon to come to the bar but keep their distance when they see the boys are staring at each other; Tristan with a dark look and Theo with an innocent smile.

"Do you really think that was a good idea; to tell them who I am and show your power like that?" Tristan asks lowering his voice and Theo tilts his head.

"Tristan, they can't go up against me even if they tried. They can only wield one element; I can wield all of them." Theo states and as if to prove his point he slowly brings forth each element; one hand lighting on fire while the other one frosts over as a gust of wind appears from nowhere and the ground shakes. Tristan stares at his friend in awe.

"I'm still in shock that this is real life. It feels like a dream," the brunet whispers, hearing footsteps approaching and turning to face the twins.

"We've come to terms with it and we believe you, it's a shock that you two would be together but we have no choice but to believe what you say." Justin says, Theo turns to them with a small smile.

"Good, I have no reason to lie to you. If you're truly mean to help me, then you will be useful but that means you will need to leave this place eventually," he tells them and they nod in understanding, Theo turns to the couple that had helped them the most since coming here. "I will want you two to come with us when we leave, I'm sure Tristan could put you somewhere in the castle."

"Theodore, what a nice gesture but we won't be able to come with you. This is our home, we need to stay here." Alissia says sorrowfully and Theo's shoulders slump in disappointment. "But we will visit."

"Fine," he crosses his arms and Tristan laughs at his childish behaviour.

"What are we to do while we wait for whoever hunts you, your grace?" Julia asks, looking at Tristan who blinks a few times before gesturing to Theodore.

"He's the captain, ask him." Tristan says and she nods, repeating her question to Theo.

"We train like we've never trained before and find people who could possibly want to help us, I'm sure there might be some guards from the mansion that got out so when we begin our journey home we will look out for them." Theodore says while rubbing a hand down his face.

"Train how?" Julia asks again and Theo smirks, standing from the stool and gesturing for them to follow; the three of them do.

Half an hour ride on horses and they come to a large clearing in the forest, the grass was long but you could see where Theo had been standing for the last few mornings since there was scorch marks on the ground where his feet had touched it. Over towards the end of where they could see was a slow flowing river that added to the serenity of the space, making Theo smile as a peaceful feeling overcame him. The three behind him followed him slowly as he walked into the middle of the field, stopping when he suddenly turned to face them with his arms folded across his chest.

"So why are we here?" Julia asks, following the golden eyed boy closely as he starts pacing in front of them.

"To practice our magic of course! That's what I've been doing these last few days and for many days through the last fourteen years of my life when my powers showed for the first time." Theo states while stopping his movements and bringing balls of fire to life in the palms of both his hands. "You both can wield magic, though different kinds despite being twins. You will need to learn how to wield them properly to fight, but you will also need to be trained with weapons properly because magic can only go so far. I was trained from a young age with both weaponry and my magic abilities, I have mastered both."

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