Chapter Seventeen

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Minutes flowed to hours; hours to days and those days into two weeks that Theodore spent away from Tristan, only going to the other house to train with the soldiers they'd gathered. It seemed that everyone knew what had happened after the first night Theodore was gone, the twins and the red haired couple instantly coming to Theodore when he arrived the next day to train, instantly asking if he was all right.

"Why'd you leave?" Justin had asked, getting a glare from his sister but Theodore just shrugged.

"You should know by now what happened, nothing stays quiet in our family. I'll be coming home soon." Theodore had answered though they knew he didn't know when he'd be coming back, Tristan had come out to watch him train for a few days he was there but didn't try to talk to his blond as he knew he didn't want to talk. That didn't stop the desire to be together from flaring to life in Theodore every time he saw him, but with that desire came sorrow from what the prince had said to him and that caused Theodore's attacks on many of the soldiers to become vicious and rough, many of them taking several steps back before dropping their weapons and holding their hands up in surrender; it got to the point where Ares had asked Tristan not to come outside if Theodore was here. Tristan understood why but he hated it. He just wanted his blond back.

Today was the fifteenth day without speaking to Tristan and Theodore was beginning to feel fatigued from the effort it took not to run into the house where the brunet was and pull him into him.

He spent most of the day fighting with a group of men before moving to some sorcerers who were waiting to show him their powers and then going to where Wyatt waited for him to work out what his powers were like.

"So you're still not talking to the prince?" The fiery haired man said and Theodore shrugged, focusing his mind on the ice suspended between his fingers and copying what Wyatt was doing with his orb of ice too. "You know he's hurting a lot right?"

"I know that, I can feel him. Even now I can tell that he's at the kitchen window watching us, he's riddled with sorrow, guilt, jealousy and lust." Theodore tells his, letting his magic go and leaning back to watch as Wyatt's hazel eyes flicker from the ice to his face.

"You shouldn't be doing this to him."

"To him? What about what he did and said to me? You have no idea how much he hurt me." Theodore defends, frowning harshly.

"Theodore I was sitting next to Ares when he said those things to you and yes they were very harsh from someone like your soulmate but surely being apart like this hurts more and you can tell he's feeling guilty, shouldn't that be something?"

"I don't know, you don't understand." Theodore looks down at his hands ripping out blades of grass.

"Actually, I saw your face when he was saying those things to you and because of my gifts, I could somewhat feel the agony they gave you but I can also somewhat feel that you're feeling just as much as he is. You need to make up and soon, otherwise this war will not be worth shit."

Theodore had spent some time alone after Wyatt walked away to find Justin to work on his ice magic with him and Theodore thought about how he'd felt when Tristan had said those things to him and then focused on sifting through Tristan's emotions to feel his own and was surprised to feel he was feeling almost the same as Tristan without the jealousy and set to making small fire tornados between his outstretched legs, looking up when a shadow casts over him and putting out the fires with his hands.

"Are you going to get savage today?" one of the women soldiers asked as she stood over Theodore, sword in hand and a smirk on her lips. Theodore looked her over; she was gorgeous though he didn't feel the usual desire he had for women before he accepted his feelings for Tristan and suddenly felt sick for checking her out but made a smirk come to life on his face; she instantly looked overwhelmed by him. He stood slowly after grabbing his sword that had been resting beside him in the grass and watched her brown eyes follow him until he was standing over her; her chest was half the size of Theodore's and he felt satisfied at the slightly terrified look that washed over her face as she looked up at him.

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