Chapter Twenty Three

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It took a while for Theodore to get used to the fact that he was going to actually be married to the king though it wasn't taking too long for Tristan to get used to being king or being engaged to the person he's loved for the longest time. The two constantly got asked about when their wedding was and though Tristan was polite and chattered about it, Theodore chose to ignore questions about it.

Like now, he was training with Ares and Zach while some other guards watched but the other guards were going on and on about the wedding to the point where Ares had to call time out because Theodore's hits were getting too hard for him to block.

"Do you guys want to get us killed?" Zach jokes, watching Theodore wipe the sweat off his face.

"We can't help it if he can't take a bit of banter about his own marriage. What kind of cut will your dress be?" One of the men asks and Theodore stops all movements to turn his newly blue eyes to them.

"You'd be best to keep your mouth shut." Theodore threatens while placing his sword in its rightful place on the wall before turning back to the few people gathered.

"Why should I? It's ridiculous that our new king would marry you or any man, he should be with a woman to procreate for the future of our kingdom." The man says with a disgusted tone to his voice, causing Theodore to frown harder than normal.

What both men failed to realise as they glare at each other that Tristan was standing at the door watching them interact with a small look of intrigue about what was about to unfold.

"You should be more accepting of your rightful king; he has gone through a lot to get back here to make sure his people are healthy and okay. The hell he went through is like nothing you've seen before, and if he chooses me to be his partner in this, then that is no one else's business." Theodore responds with a shake of his head before turning to leave, raising an eyebrow when he sees Tristan standing with a smirk now instead of an interested look.

"You know Theodore is right about everything he just said, but I will add that if I ever hear you speaking like that again I will personally see to it that you never speak again." Tristan threatened with eyes made of steel as the man swallowed nervously before he turned to leave the room.

Tristan turned to Theodore with a half grin and grabbed the darker haired man's hand as he walked past.
"That wasn't necessary Tristan, I had it under control." Theodore murmurs while they walk down the hallway, causing Tristan to chuckle.

"I know you did, but I wanted to intervene." Tristan replies.

"I guess you do need to get used to the authority you hold now." Theodore muses, realising that they were walking towards their rooms

"Yup and you better get used to it too." Tristan grins when they reach the door, both not hesitating before walking in and closing the door though Tristan stops Theodore before he can strip him.

"This isn't why you brought me here?" Theodore asks and Tristan shakes his head.

"I just want to spend some time with you, though you definitely need to bathe." The brunet smirks at the frown that takes over his partners face but leads the way to the bath that he promptly fills with warm water.

The two spend time together in the bath, talking every now and then before they both get out, get dressed and take a stroll around the castle. It was a nice and sunny day today, the snow having cleared up weeks before so that spring could hit full force. Tristan was smiling at the people they passed while Theodore only managed to nod his head a few times as he wasn't very known for his smiles or cheery moods, not since he was a young boy.

They make it to the gardens and sit on a bench near a fountain, enjoying the peaceful silence around them until Tristan looks to Theodore with an odd expression, though the now black haired man knew exactly what it meant.

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