Chapter Six

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By the time the boys woke again, it was well into the next day and the sun was shining brightly outside their window, slowly bringing them out of their sleep. Tristan woke up first, his eyebrows forming a frown at the light that was glaring through his eyelids and as his forest green eyes opened, he was met with the sight of a completely unguarded Theo. He's never really seen the blonde relaxed like he is when he's asleep; his lips were parted the slightest bit as he breathed and his brows were relaxed out of the usual frown he wore with his arms under the pillow that his head was resting on. Watching Theo for a while as he lay in bed, he witnessed as Theo slowly began to wake up; a light frown creasing in his brows as his right hand came out from under the pillow to rub his eyes before they open slightly, the amber colour shimmering gold under the sunlight that hit them.

As wakefulness took over the blond, he ran a hand through his hair and sat up, looking over to the brunet to see Tristan watching him intently. A light blush takes over Theo's cheeks and Tristan's heart warms at the sight, he sits up when Theo stands from the bed to sit on the side of his.

"How are you feeling?" Theodore asks the Prince with a gentle smile, the blush still clear on his cheeks.

"Better now that I've slept, how about you?" Tristan responds, feeling a little wary about why his friend was blushing while talking to him.

"The same as you, we should clean up and go downstairs to those people, figure out what we're going to do now." Theo suggests quietly and stands from the bed again and moving through the doorway that connected to a bathroom as sorts, it had a toilet and a bathtub. Theo sets to filling the tub with hot water as Tristan stands and stretches in the bedroom, moving to the doorway to see Theo rummaging through the drawers of the cupboard for soap and a face washer. The brunet stands for a moment before moving over to Theo's side when the blond stands, watching with a smirk when the short boy jumps slightly at him being right behind him. He wasn't sure what was making him be so confident with his friend, but the prince felt an overwhelming need to touch the blonde; so he did. Bringing his hands up to Theodore's face, he places them on the younger boys cheeks and smiling slowly at the warmth of the blush Theo now had blazing over his cheeks.

"What are you doing?" Theo asks, his voice shaky with the breath he lets out but Tristan just shushes him and leans his forehead down to his friends, resting their foreheads together he takes a breath and relaxes with a grin as his friends cheeks grow even hotter and the blush goes to his ears. After a few moments, Theo shifts awkwardly and Tristan stands back and removes his hands from the other boy's cheeks, taking a step back to turn off the tap of the bath before spinning around and leaving the room. He pulls a shirt on and walks out of the bedroom and down the stairs, hoping to find some food while Theodore stands plastered to the spot, staring at where the prince had been moments ago.

"What the fuck was that?" Theo whispered to himself as he stripped off the remainder of his clothes before stepping into the tub and lowering himself into the warm water.

After spending five minutes cleaning himself from his hair to his body and ten more minutes just sitting in the warm water Theodore gets out, dries completely and dresses in simple pants and shirt; Then walking out and down the stairs to find Tristan sitting with the people who greeted them yesterday, though the woman's hair was now wound into a knot on top of her head.

"How nice of you to finally join us Theodore," the woman says with a grin as Tristan and the man look towards him, he shrugs and goes over to them. He nods his thanks when she hands him a plate of food, digging in and watching them closely as they talk.

"Let's introduce ourselves to you now you're down here, my name is Micah and this is Alissia. We knew your mother and father when they were your age, we knew their past and knew what was to happen when they had you, Theodore and Alissia was even there when you were born. We were named as your godparents and told your father that we would take you in if anything went wrong." Micah says, his voice steady and Theodore nods along to what he's saying, vaguely remembering his father explaining about his godparents when he was younger.

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