Chapter Nine

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Of course the second the shock wears off, Theo is pushing Tristan behind him and jumping forwards with fists tight, ready to fight if he needed too causing the man to laugh loudly at him.

"You don't have a sword this time, boy," he bellows, taking a step forwards while throwing his fist towards the smaller boy, though Theodore is a lot faster than the bigger, ox like man and dodges low enough to send his fist up into the man's abdomen, bringing on enough air magic to make the punch a lot harder than it normally would've been. There's a crunch as his fists connects with the man's ribs and a groan as he topples to his knees, a hand to his side. He growls out a threat that Theo ignores as he grabs their stuff and pulls Tristan with him out the door and downstairs, seeing Micah, Alissia, Julia and Justin behind the bar with ten soldiers holding swords to them. Theo meets all of their eyes before landing his gaze on Julia, giving her a nod before shoving Tristan ahead of him as he gets closer to the bar. He shoves his tall friend towards Alissia at the same time as Julia brings her fire to life in her hands, making little fireballs in both hands. Justin takes the hint and brings his ice magic to his hand before he jumps over the bar and slams his palms down against the ground, effectively pushing his magic over the expanse of the floor and making the floor underfoot slippery; Julia acts next, flinging the fireballs at the men holding swords towards them. The large man from before has recovered and is storming down the stairs, slipping onto his ass as soon as his feet come into contact with the ice causing a few curses to exit his mouth.

"So you've got some magic wielders with you?" his voice is gruff and his smirk completely evil as the man's hands light up with dark purple flames, bringing a startled expression to Theodore's normally expressionless face. They all watch in shock as the man places his hand on the ice underneath him, instantly making the ice around his behind melt with the heat of the fire in his palm. Slowly, still observant of the teens, the man stands and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Why do you want Tristan? He has done nothing wrong!" Theodore shouts which causes the man to laugh.

"I'm not divulging my plan to you, now hand him over and I might let you all live," his tone holds no room for argument but Theodore feels the anger rushing up from his stomach and into his throat.

"I will never let you have him." Theodore hisses angrily, ignoring the dark smoke that exits as he speaks. "Julia and Justin, first chance you have get him out of here."

"Theo..." Tristan starts but Theo gives him a hard look.

"I will see you again once I'm done here, wherever you go I will find you." Theo murmurs to him, watching the prince's face soften at his words.

"Okay." Tristan is still hesitant but steps closer to fire wielding girl as she edges closer to the doors, Alissia and Micah following their lead. Justin stands from his crouch and once his hand leaves to cement floor, the ice melts away. The soldiers immediately move to attack but are shoved back by a large gust of wind that appears from nowhere.

"How many magic wielders do you have?" The man asks with a smirk, he now knows there are three elementalists; what he doesn't realise is one of them is actually Theodore himself.

"Just three." Theodore answers, gripping the benchtop hard before launching himself at the closest soldier, slamming his fist into the guys jaw hard with the help of his wind magic and hearing a crack from the force. The man instantly groans and drops, holding a hand to his jaw as the other men attack.

"Theodore!" Tristan shouts, Theo just turning in time to see him throw a one handed sword at him that was hidden under the bar. He catches it and uses it to slice the men up as they attack, finally reaching the bigger man who had been watching the people behind the bar in case they tried to escape.

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