Chapter Eighteen

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The next couple of hours was spend preparing a pit to throw the bodies of their enemies into and a pyre to burn their friends on; thankfully the soldiers and sorcerers had come when Ares sent for them and they had helped build the pyre and dig the hole. After Theodore and the other fire sorcerers had thrown fireballs into the pit and left their enemies to burn, Ares, Julia and Justin helped Theodore carry Alissia and Micah to the pyre where they laid them beside each other and stood back to have a few minutes of silence before Theodore and Julia stepped forward to light the wood on fire with their magic.

Theodore watched the burning until there was nothing left but ash and smoke and Ares had come to him and told him everyone was waiting for instructions from him. The blonde took a deep breath and turned to look at the crowd, his eyes lingering on some more than others as they looked him in the eyes before he moved through them all to stand with the house behind him, he wasn't surprised by the silence that fell when he stopped walking.

"We were attacked tonight, the very people we are hoping to fend off and get my home kingdom back have snuck in and attacked us, killed two of our people and taken two more as hostage or possibly to kill later," Theodore pauses to look among the crowd them once more, then continued, "I will not stand for this kind of shit. They have taken my soulmate and have proceeded to kill more of my family. We have trained hard for this moment; every single one of us has worked hard to be able to fight them and we will. At the first sign of light we will set off for Endolias and we will attack any and all of their soldiers that get in our way. We are strong, we can fight and we will kill them all!" Theodore's voice is savage in the silence of the night and after a few seconds of silence, the people gathered started cheering and shouting their agreements with him. "Get ready everyone, we're going to war!"

Theodore left the crowd to prepare themselves and walked inside to see Ares embracing Julia while Justin sits at the kitchen table in silence though Julia pulls away when she hears Theodore enter the house.

"Will you two come with me please?" Theodore asks, motioning to both Julia and Justin who look confused before following Theodore down the hall and into the room he had shared with Tristan. His heart pounded against his ribs at the sight of the room; it was clear Tristan had struggled when he'd been grabbed and had then been knocked unconscious from the state the room was in. The bed sheets were strewn over the bed while clothing was all over the place, the wardrobe opened to show where the clothing had been thrown from. Theodore sucks in a breath and continues to the wardrobe and pulls the backing off it to reveal a secret compartment that held two large boxes.

"How did you put that there?" Justin asks and Theodore smiles slightly despite the sadness he still felt.

"It was when I moved in here, I smashed into the wall behind it to make a place I could store stuff that I didn't want anyone to find." Theodore answers, pulling one box out at a time and handing the one that said their names to them.

"What's this?" Julia asks, her voice showing how defeated she felt.

"Open it." Theodore encourages and watches as they slowly pull to tops of the boxes off, shock taking over both their features and Justin putting a hand over his mouth when he pulls out the dark bit of fabric that sat on top of the rest. "I got these made for you a couple of months ago since I knew we'd soon be going to fight and you would need proper armour like my own and Ares's armour."

"This would have set you back so much." Julia says and Theodore shrugs.

"Alissia and Micah helped me with purchasing them since they wanted to sit out of the fighting and wanted you both protected as much as you could be." The blond explains and Julia leans forwards to hug him tightly and Theodore turns to Justin when she pulls away, he's got tears falling down his cheeks and he meets Theodore's eyes slowly.

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