Chapter Twenty Five

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When Theodore woke the next morning, all thoughts from the previous night seemed to vanish as he tightened his grip on Tristan. The brunet was already awake and had a look on his face that promised Theodore a world of love, which was promptly started as they connected their lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. Becoming intimate once again, Theodore taking back control and when they are completely and utterly spent they have a bath and get dressed. Leaving to go to the dining room where their friends were huddled around the table, eating the many fruits and pastries laid out for them.

"Ah! Here you two are!" Ares shouts with a grin on his face.

"We came to see if you two were up an hour ago but by the noises coming through those doors, we thought best not to disturb you... Your majesties." Justin says with a mock bow to them, a grin placed over his mouth as well.

"Shut up." Tristan grumbles, finding his seat and proceeding to fill a plate with fruits, while watching Theodore as he walks over to Ares. The older of the brothers had a map placed out in front of him and as the two leant over it, a frown came over both their faces, making the two look almost identical.

At the scoff Tristan lets out, the two immediately lift their heads to look at him, both letting out a "What".

"You two just look so much alike now that Theodore has the same colouring, it's almost scary." Tristan laughs when the two share and look and shrug before going back to the map. "What are you fussing over anyway?"

"Just some of our guards have taken note of some activity outside the city walls in the forest, they're worried we're going to be under attack soon." Ares says with a frown.

"Well, what are you thinking of doing about it?"

"I was thinking of obviously sending a small portion of our guards out to search the area but wanted to make sure Theodore agreed since he is the Captain of the Guard." Ares explains and Theodore nods, Tristan rubbing at his chin lightly before shrugging.

"Would it just be our fighting men or are you planning on sending some of our sorcerer friends with?" Tristan asks as he takes a bite from a piece of apple.

"Most likely a mix of the two, that way we don't have too many unnecessary deaths on our hands." Tristan thinks it over before meeting Theodore's eyes, the other having his eyebrow raised in question until Tristan gestures for him to speak, as Ares had said; Theodore was the Captain.

"I believe we should send maybe four sorcerers with five of our armed guards. A sorcerer from each element should be handy and the armed guards know how to fight in any situation, I want them sent out immediately so we can discover what kind of threat lingers, if there is any," Theodore tells them, his eyes solely on Tristan as he can see his king was weighing it over. With a shrug from his love Theodore gave Ares a nod, "Ares, I want you to be one of those men. I trust you to be able to handle both yourself and the group of soldiers we send. You're my second in command, it's make sense."

"No problem Theo, I'll make sure they come back unscathed and if there are enemies, I will make them pay," the brothers keep eye contact for a few more moments before Theodore moves to sit down to eat, watching his older brother leave the dining room to find suitable guards.

"Who knew there was a wise brain in that head of yours Theodore." Julia says with a laugh, to which Theodore responds to with a smirk.

"I'm not just a pretty face and a hot bod ya know," he teases back, the two falling into a small play fight until Theodore has enough and bids farewell to them for the day to see how his soldiers were doing.

"I'll see you later then?" Tristan shouts at Theodore's retreating figure, watching the man turn around with a grin and he soon blows the other a kiss with a wink.

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