Chapter Twenty Two

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Surprisingly, the next morning the two were left to wake up by themselves as Tristan's coronation wasn't until late in the afternoon and no matter how impatient everyone got at them for sleeping in, they didn't dare go into Tristan's room so early. As the sun rose slowly over the horizon, Tristan lay with a fast asleep Theodore against his chest who had an almost death grip on the prince but he didn't mind since he was holding Theodore just as tightly. Watching the sunrise through the sheer white curtains over one of the large windows while holding someone so dear was very calming to Tristan and he didn't even realise Theodore had woken up until he felt the movement of the future captain made to look up at him. When their eyes met, Theodore instantly grinned at the peaceful look that was over the princes face but the prince was captivated by his soulmates eyes; the blue had taken over pretty much all of the iris's but you could still see the flecks of gold throughout them. Overnight it seemed that his physical appearance had changed but it made the prince's heart warm with affection at how much better he looked with blue eyes; he had always thought the gold was a little weird.

"How long have you been awake?" Theodore asks him and Tristan tightens his arms around him.

"A little while, maybe an hour or two." He shrugs at Theodore's outraged face.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked very peaceful, I didn't want to ruin that." Tristan tells Theodore before they fall into a comfortable silence as they both looked towards the window to watch the sun rise a bit more, the silence getting ruined when Justin slams open the double doors to the room and storms in with a large grin.

"You guys are taking way too long to wake up and come out, even if you do look super cute right now, you're taking too long!" The blond yells as he stops at the base of their bed with his hands on his hips.

"Well, if you had waited another few moments we would've come out." Theodore states while running a hand through his hair with a yawn.

"Yeah right, you would've fucked then come out and I'm too impatient for that." Justin says with a shrug, making both of the younger men laugh slightly at him. "Get up, bathe and dress! Be quick!"

Without any other words, the older blond walks out and slams the two doors behind him leaving the other two in a confused fit of giggles though they soon calmed down and got out of bed to bathe and get dressed in some semi-formal clothing before walking out and making their way to the dining room, their hands joined until they reach the table and sit down to eat. Tristan sat at the head of the table while Theodore sat to his right with Ares next to him and the twins sitting opposite, Wyatt was at the other end of the table with Zach going through the plans for the day and Theodore soon got up to join them, after realising what they were talking about. Tristan followed his movements as he spoke with the two, his body looking just as lean as it always had in the white long sleeved shirt and the tight, leather pants.

"You look like a love smitten puppy, Tristan." Justin teases and Tristan looks at him unamused.

"When you've had love for someone for as long as I have and they finally share it with you, you do end up as a love smitten puppy." Tristan replies, looking for a moment longer before looking back at Theodore who was leaning down over the plans Zach had placed on the table. His hand was rubbing at his cheeks and his other hand ran through his hair slowly as he looked over it all, looking up to tell Wyatt something as he pointed.

"His hair is darker." Ares muses bringing the prince's attention to him, to see the raven haired man was also watching Theodore but with a look of pride in his blue eyes; the eyes that Theodore now had himself.

"His eyes are blue too, when he woke up this morning they were blue with golden flecks through them." Tristan tells the older sibling and smiles when Ares looks at him.

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