Chapter Twenty Four

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This one gets a bit saucy



It took Tristan all of two weeks to plan out everything for the wedding and Theodore watched on amusedly as his king stresses about it all though deep down he was just as stressed and nervous to be marrying his best friend and soulmate. As Theodore had suggested it was only going to be their family with a feast afterwards to celebrate followed by some much needed alone time after spending so much time with so many other people.

"So the last things I need to sort out is clothes for us, god is it too late to get a tailor? The wedding's tomorrow but surely they can get it done in time, and I've got to make sure they set the meal up properly too and, make sure..." The king is interrupted by his lover pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss, causing their group of friends to laugh or coo about their cuteness.

"Would you shut up and stop stressing? Everything will be fine, I already got clothes made for us." Theodore tells him when he pulls away and grinning at the surprise.

"You did?" Tristan asks quietly and pulls Theodore into a huge hug when the darker haired man nods, "thank you."

"Tris, you need to relax okay? Why don't you, Justin and Julia go talk to the cooks about the meal while Ares, Wyatt and I go talk to the priest, again." Theodore suggests with a calm smile and gives his king another kiss after he nods, letting him go off with the two blondes. Smiling until the king is out of sight when he drops to a chair and rubs a hand down his face.

"Not as calm as you seem, brother." Ares says as he sits across from his younger brother, a grin appearing when the other groans.

"He's just such a stress head for no reason, everything is prepared and perfect, not to mention we haven't had sex in weeks." Theodore hangs his head backwards off the chair and sighs dramatically.

"That doesn't sound like you two at all." Wyatt murmurs with an amused look on his face.

"I know." Theodore mutters in response, "I need a drink."

"Let's get out of the castle for a little while, fresh air might help us and to see the people you will soon be helping rule over might help you a little bit Theo." Ares suggest, Theodore's eyebrows shooting up at his words.

"That hadn't even registered to me, I will be helping Tristan with the kingdom," the younger male says, rubbing at his chin with a thoughtful expression, "what if they don't accept me?"

"They have no reason not accept you Theo, you protected their prince for years and you will continue protecting him. You're the best person to be by his side for life." Ares offers and watches his brother shrug before he stands, the older men standing and following next to him as he begins walking down the corridors towards the main doors, continuing outside to walk among the people who stop and watch him go by. He felt weird with the stares but soon began smiling at the people watching them, the few people staring back in confused awe as Theodore's smile slowly settles on his face.

"I guess I could get used to this." Theodore murmurs to the others and they laugh, bringing up other topics as they stroll.

The three men were gone for a few hours before returning to the castle, Theodore had taken the time to talk to a few of the people who were staring at him and found himself pleasantly surprised that they accepted him into their shops or homes to speak at lengths about how the time was without the two boys turned men. When they do make it back to the castle, they're greeted by a pacing King in the dining room and two uninterested blondes as they watch him muttering to himself. Theodore makes a beeline for his pacing soulmate while the other two go to the twins.

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