Chapter Twenty Eight

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It took a few days for any effects to set in, but soon Theodore was beginning to feel quite sick and sometimes his vision got blurry, Tristan often watching him because he could feel something wasn't right though he had no idea what he could do for him, especially when he wouldn't tell him.

The days had been fairly relaxed, Theodore spending many hours with Tristan and Dalton wanting to get to know the child and hoping for their bond to strengthen. Since the first night Dalton slept in their room, he had been going into their room once a night and sleeping either curled up with one of them or between the men where he felt most secure.

Five days after the fight, it happens. Theodore is walking down the corridor to where his family was waiting for him, he could see Tristan laughing and smiling as he spoke with Wyatt when he felt faint. His vision blurring to blackness and he drops suddenly to his knees, he glances up in time to see Tristan running towards him as he shouts Theodore's name.

He hadn't seen his soulmate pass out in a very long time so the worry was on the surface as he struggles to pick Theodore up and bring him into the family room where he demands Wyatt look him over.

The redhead comes over immediately and begins using his healing magic to feel what is wrong with Theodore, gasping lightly at the blackness he feels within Theodore's blood.

"I think he's been poisoned somehow, there's a darkness in his blood that shouldn't be there. I knew I should've healed him the other day, I probably would've found this sooner." Wyatt swears and stands back when Tristan moves closer.

"Is there a way to get rid of it?" Dalton asks, tears in his eyes and Tristan wraps an arm around his shoulders.

"I can start trying to clean the poison from his blood, I'll have to make a cut on his arm to help me. We should move him to the infirmary." They agree and Ares takes hold of his younger brother, grimacing as his head flops lifeless against his arm.

Once Theodore is laying in one of the free beds towards the end of the room so they can have more privacy, Wyatt pulls over another bed and sits on it with his legs crossed and begins working on getting the poison out of Theodore. He makes an incision on Theodore's forearm, feeling only slightly sorry because he was adding yet another scar to his body, and once the blood is dribbling out slowly he places his fingers over the wound and really focuses on drawing the poison out. Tristan watches with tightened fists, his teeth gripping his bottom lip with worry until Dalton grips his hand and tugs him towards the door.

"Justin said we should leave Wyatt in peace so he can work properly without so many eyes on him," Dalton murmurs and Tristan nods, letting him drag him from the room, "he'll be okay, dad. He's too strong to let poison take him out."

Tristan nods to the words but can't get his head out of Theodore's condition, he really hoped Dalton was right.

Four more days pass of Wyatt sitting in the infirmary with Theodore, working night and day to get the poison out of his system and everyone is on edge. Mainly because as Theodore had remained unresponsive, a small force had taken up camp outside the city. Tristan was becoming increasingly nervous as the hours went by, watching from the castle as the troops got ready for a small war. He made Dalton promise him that if anything was to happen that he would lock himself in the infirmary with Wyatt and Theodore because hopefully Theodore will wake up soon and keep them safe, though it wasn't looking like it.

Ares was with Tristan every waking moment, shadowing him every chance he had just to make sure he stayed safe and also encouraging Tristan to use his powers in the off chance he actually had too. It was nice to be reminded of his ice and water magic, and to have someone watching his back. Ares was even making sure he was in his full armour to guarantee that Theodore didn't wake up to a dead soulmate, though the older man could see the toll it was taking on Tristan not having his soulmate by his side.

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