Chapter Twenty Seven

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The night went well with Dalton getting to know Theodore and Tristan's little family, though the men were now saying goodnight to the boy who kept tiredly rubbing his eyes. Tristan sits on the edge of the bed while Theodore leans on the frame of the doors, watching as Tristan speaks softly to the boy until his eyes droop closed.

The brunet turns to him and grasps his hands when he leaves the room, closing the door softly behind them and going into the room next door to dress in their sleeping clothes before curling up in bed together, they're silent. Relishing in the way the other feels and both feeling completely satisfied about how well Dalton had fit into their little family.

It's many hours later, well into the night, and though Tristan had fallen asleep long ago, Theodore's fingers through his fluffy hair putting him to sleep quicker than anything else could and Theodore is just now feeling himself drifting off when he's woken by the door slowly opening, he can just see the outline of the small boy from the torches in the hallways. Without disturbing the king too much Theodore sits up and gestures for the boy to come to him, Dalton's green eyes are wide and he looks scared as he scrambles onto the bed and places himself next to Theodore.

"Are you okay Dalton?" Theodore asks quietly, Dalton shrugs and Theodore frowns lightly. "Has something upset you?"

"I guess I'm scared to be in a new place, can I stay in here with you two?" Dalton questions bringing shock to the blue eyed man's face.

"Of course, would you like to talk about anything or are you happy just lying with me?"

"Maybe a little bit of both." After his words, Theodore is quick to shuffle them both down until their heads are on the one pillow.

"Tell me what's going through your head." Theodore whispers when he hears his husband shift to roll away from them.

"I guess I'm not used to sleeping alone, normally I'm in one big room with the other kids." Dalton explains, turning to face Theodore and looking up at him.

"Well, it will be something to get used to but you're a big boy. It won't be scary for long and if you do get scared, you can always come in here with us. We adopted you, you're our son now. We would do anything for you." Theodore reassures him and Dalton smiles lightly, shuffling closer until his forehead rests on Theodore's clothed chest. Theodore lets his arm wrap around the boy, offering all the comfort he can and feeling as they both fall victim to tiredness.

Tristan woke the next morning feeling slightly colder than normal, sitting up and looking over to his left while yawning only to spot Dalton cuddled up tightly in Theodore's arms who is also still asleep. The kings heart constricts a little at the sight, wondering when the boy had come in, though realises it was probably after he had fallen asleep. Being as quiet as he can, he grabs some clothes and doesn't bother to bathe before dressing and then leaving the room to meet with the others in the dining room for breakfast.

"Where's Theo and Dalton?" Wyatt asks, eyes flickering down Tristan's clothes as he walks the length of the table to sit at the head.

"They're both still sleeping, I'm guessing Dalton somehow found his way to our bed last night. I woke up to Theodore holding Dalton close to him." Tristan answers and is delighted by the shocked expression of his friends. "Believe me, it was a shock for me too."

No one else says anything as they eat, everyone looking towards the doors half an hour later when Theodore and Dalton enter the room. Theodore has the boy on his shoulders as they walk and is quick to place him in the spare chair on Tristan's left before he takes the seat to his right, leaning to give Tristan a quick kiss.

"Why didn't you wake us?" Theodore questions and Tristan shakes his head, watching as the two pile food onto their plates and start eating.

"You both looked too comfy. Dalton, was everything okay last night?" Tristan asks, turning his attention to him and Dalton nods.

The Prince's CaptainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora