Chapter Twenty

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Hours later the group is still reeling from Tristan sudden execution of the woman but they couldn't blame him for wanting and needing to kill her, it was the only way to get back his throne.

A throne that he had yet to see since they all wanted to rest for a day before walking into the city of Endolias.

At the moment the six friends and half their army were gathering the fallen while the other half digs graves for them all under trees and around the clearing where they had fought. Ares had spent some time preparing a grave for Mara himself since he had been close to her for most of his life and although he and Theodore had shared some looks, they hadn't spoken about their shared blood though they knew they'd have time later to figure it all out, there was a lot that Ares wanted to say to Theodore but knew it wasn't the right time, especially since the prince hadn't spoken since he killed Mara.

It was understandable since he'd killed so many people during that fight, more than he thought he would have too and it was getting to him. It was also strange to see that he hadn't even said a word to Theodore, causing the blond to keep his distance but also stay close since he was worried the prince would crumble to pieces in moments.

Another person they worried about was Wyatt who had stopped crying but was sitting silently like the prince though Justin and Theodore kept checking if he was all right and unlike the prince he answered the two blondes to let them know he was okay. Theodore had begun noticing the small acts of affection Justin was showing towards Wyatt; the way his fingers brushed gently against the others and how he held his hands on either Wyatt's knees or biceps. Not to mention the slight glimmer in his light blue eyes as they looked at each other, Theodore was sure they'd end up together soon enough.

While trying to also keep away but close to Tristan, Theodore had thought a lot about what was going to happen when they go home. Obviously they'd invite everyone to live with them; the castle was too big for just two people but how was he going to feel walking into that dining room again without seeing his mother's face and his father's body. He look towards Ares who had his back to him as he knelt down at Mara's grave and he felt his feelings sadden at the thought of the brother he had but never got to actually know or meet because of his parents.

His parents who lied to him.

He tightens his hands into fists as anger races up his spine but jumps and looks over at the small voice that calls his name; Tristan was looking at him with wary eyes and a hand held out to him. It was the first word Tristan had said in hours and it was his names so of course Theodore makes his way to him and drops to his knees in front of the brunet who places his hands on either side of his face and rests his forehead on Theodore's.

"You're angry." Tristan murmurs softly and Theodore closes his eyes

"Of course I am, my parents lied to me."

"Not about everything though, just about Ares and you have to admit it was obviously meant to happen this way otherwise it would've been different all our lives but look where we are Theodore. We're exactly where we're supposed to be and tomorrow we'll be home. Our real home for the first time in years." Tristan words make Theodore shoulders droop and tears crawl to his eyes before they slowly drip onto his cheeks, effectively wetting the brunet's fingers. "Oh Theodore, don't cry."

He couldn't stop them when they started, the tears flowing down his cheeks freely as he sniffles and puts his face to Tristan's shoulder while Tristan puts his arms around him and holds him close. Startled by the fact that Theodore was pretty much sobbing against the prince, Julia makes her way over to offer some comfort too and rubs his back. He welcomes it and tries to slow his tears though they still fall and refuse to stop.

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