11 장

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Jayson was sitting alone inside the steakhouse browsing the menu while sipping his wine when suddenly he heard someone calling for his name. He is a slight surprise to find Jung Hyun and his wife approaching him. What a coincidence!

"Dude, what are you doing here?" Jung Hyun asked while patting Jayson's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Doing my laundry," Jayson answered nonchalantly and makes Jung Hyun and Ji Hye laughing at his remarks. "I came for dinner, of course. What else?"

"Come and join us. It's better to have a company than to eat alone, right?" Ji Hye invited Jayson to join her and her husband.

Jayson waved his hand signalling a no, "Gwenchana, I do not want to disturb your dinner date. I am fine eating alone."

Ji Hye chuckled looking at his reaction. "We are not on a date, a friend of mine will join later. Come on, join us," Ji Hye pulled his hand and took the wine bottle with her. He had no choice but to follow her and bring his wine glass with him.

Ji Hye and Jayson had not met with each other for a few months, so they have a lot to talk about while waiting for their food. Ji Hye used to be Jayson's junior in university, and they are close. He is the one who introduced her to Jung Hyun.

"Dude, why did you come so early. Our meeting is at 10 tomorrow," Jung Hyun asked in between their conversation.

"You know I am not a morning person. I can't wake up at 5 am to catch the first KTX to come here. Might as well, I come a day earlier so even if I wake up at 9.45 tomorrow morning, I can still be at your office on time," Jayson answered.

"It is about time you get yourself a wife so that, you have someone to wake you up every morning. Look at me now, I am happy to wake up every morning to this beautiful lady," Jung Hyun jokes to him. He purposely showed off a public display affection to his wife to make his friend feel envious.

Jayson scoffed at his best friend PDA show off, "Why do you sound like my mom? By the way, Dude, if I never introduced her to you, I don't think you ever got married too. Do you forget how are you before you met her?"

The three of them laughed. Jung Hyun was a well-known playboy back then. He never sticks to one girl, and he changed his girlfriend more frequent than he changed his handphone. He even proudly told his friends he never wanted to settle down because he values his freedom and not a believer of a monogamous relationship. But, that changed after he met Ji Hye. Who would have thought, the playboy Kim Jung Hyun is now settled down and happily married. Some of their university friends are still shocked, knowing that he got married among the earliest.

Ji Hye suddenly waving at someone at the restaurant entrance and called out for her name during their conversation. "Eon Jin ssi!"

Jayson suddenly becomes flustered hearing the name. So, the friend that Ji Hye is inviting for dinner is Son Eon Jin. Did he just get lucky?

Son Eon Jin happily hugging Ji Hye as she arrived at the table. Seems like they have not seen each other for some time. Jayson is smiling looking at her. She looks different today. A more casual look and seems like she did not put any or maybe a very light makeup on. 'How can her ex-husband left her for another woman?' Jayson monologues to himself. "Annyeong, Eon Jin ssi. We meet again," he got up and greeted her before pulling the chair for her.

"Jayson ssi, what are you doing here in Daegu?" Son Eon Jin is shocked to find Jayson in the restaurant. More than that, she is shocked to see him in Daegu.

As much as he is happy to see her, Jayson doesn't want to look like a stalker to her. He can tell from her face, she might think that this was a set up though it is actually not." I.... I have a meeting with him, tomorrow morning," Jayson pointed out to Jung Hyun who sat opposite him. He tried to find the best sentence to answer her and luckily Jung Hyun come to the rescue.

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