18 장

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Tae Pyung found it weird when he heard the doorbell rings at this hour. He did not expect anyone nor ordered any deliveries. Who could it be? Neighbours? Nope, he did not know any neighbours except his next-door neighbour, who he accidentally met when he moved in. The only person he could think of is the security. Probably, the man needs to pass a message or package that he received. Although he is still wondering who, Tae Pyung still walks towards the door to see who could it be.

The moment he opened the door, he turned pale as if seeing a ghost. Maybe worse, as the person at his doorstep is scarier than a ghost. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a shallow voice, not wanting it to be heard by his guest inside the house.

Tae Pyung used his towering figure to block the door, hoping that the unwanted guest won't see anyone inside. It's good that his house quite a long hallway.

The woman smirked a Tae Pyung's reaction. "Surprised? Why did you look so white, like seeing someone got up from the grave? You don't recognise me any more?"

Tae Pyung tried to close the door, but Hattie is faster putting her hand on the door pane to prevent the door from closing. "Aren't you going to invite your girlfriend in?"

"Why don't you wait for me at the coffee shop across the road. I'll meet you there. Let me send off my guest first," Tae Pyung, still trying to block Hattie from entering, but used her short frame to her advantage by slipping underneath his arm that was crossing the door frame. "Ya, Hattie ya, I said wait for me in the cafe," he tried to catch her, but she is swift.

Hattie sneered when she saw the other woman inside the house. Which is the woman she hates the most. "So, this is the honourable guest that you don't want me to meet? I believe the three of you are playing house together. But, why did you guys play without me?" the irritating tone in his voice is very apparent.

Assessing the situation, Eon Jin knows it will get messy. The only worry she has right now is her son. As a mother, she does not want Kang Hoon to witness adults' fight. He is too young to know how complicated an adult relationship is. Eon Jin already feels guilty for making her son go through broken marriage. She does not want to hurt him further.

"Kang Hoon, ah. Go to your room, please. The adults need to talk," she gently told her son. Kang Hoon did not budge from his place. He keeps himself still like a stone. Eon Jin asked him again nicely, but he seems not to want to move.

"Shiro (I don't want to). I know this ahjumma will hurt you, Eomma. I need to protect you," Kang Hoon gives a deadly glare to Hattie. The 12-year-old hate the sudden intrusion. The other woman had spoilt his whole mood.

Tae Pyung feels bad listening to what had just come out of his son's mouth. His absence had make Kang Hoon feels he is responsible for protecting his mother. Tae Pyung hates himself for making Kang Hoon thinks he needs to take care of an adult.

Eon Jin kneeled down to match his son's level. "Don't worry about me. Eomma can take care of myself. Aren't you the one who keeps reminding me that I am a strong woman? If you believe so, you know I can handle this situation. So, just listen to me and go to your room."

Kang Hoon heart softens, and he nods lightly. He got up from his seat and walked towards his room. He looks furious. Kang Hoon hates Hattie so much that the sight of that woman always makes him enrage. As he passed by, Tae Pyung, his father holding his shoulder as if to ensure that things would be okay.

"I'll protect your mom," Tae Pyung said slowly, but Kang Hoon just looks at his Appa with an unresponsive look and continue walking.

When he turned around, the two women are already facing each other. One is furious like a hungry dragon, and the other is in her calm demeanour as usual. It definitely looks like a battle between a devil and an angel going to explode soon.

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