17 장

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Like usual mornings, Eon Jin will, and Da Mi will get their morning coffee from the cafe downstairs. Though there is a good coffee machine in their office, they still love the cafe's house brew. Well, that's not exactly the case. Da Mi is fond of one of the barista that she wanted to see him first every morning. So, Eon Jin has no choice but to accompany her team leader for her morning coffee grab.

They are busy talking about the latest K-entertainment gossip until they did not realize they already reach the counter. Da Mi ordered her usual ice Americano while Eon Jin ordered Ice Vanilla Latte for a change that morning. She needs something sweet especially nearing the time of the month.

"One ice americano and one ice vanilla latte to go. It's 14000 Won," said the cashier. As Eon Jin is busy getting her money, an arm crossed through her side and give the cashier a card.

"Charge it on my bill," someone said in his low tone voice. Eon Jin doesn't have to look who to know whose voice is that. "And one hot americano double shot for me," he continues.

"Oh, Kim Tae Pyung Daepyonim. I did not realize you are behind us. Good morning," Kwon Da Mi bowed to him slightly and greet him.

He smiled at them before his eyes move towards Eon Jin, who is still unsure how to react to the awkward situation.

"Thanks for the coffee, Daepyonim." She finally said something, trying her best to make the situation looks normal. Even though Da Mi knew that Tae Pyung and Eon Jin knew each other before, she did not know those two used to be married to each other.

"It's my pleasure," he said with his dimpled smile and quickly wink his left eye at Eon Jin, hoping that Da Mi did not see it. Eon Jin give him the 'what are you trying to do?' glare at him that makes him scoff lightly.

"Kim Daepyonim, you are joining the meeting afterwards, right? You seldom join our meeting as most of the time you are in Seoul during our weekly join meeting," Kwon Da Mi asked when they are on the way up to their offices.

Tae Pyung nods eagerly. This will be the first joint meeting he will attend after three months his team moved to Daegu. Their meetings usually on Wednesday evening, but this week, it got postponed to Friday because Kim Jung Hyun had another meeting that overlapped last Wednesday. So, it needs to be rescheduled. Tae Pyung definitely looking forward to it because he got to know Eon Jin will be presenting.

Eon Jin is standing between them, and she feels awkward because the two of them are very chatty that morning, and she needs to pretend that Tae Pyung is just another boss to her when the latter are taking any chance to be close to her and keep turning to look at her.

"I heard you will be presenting, Son Eon Jin ssi. Is it true?" he asked his ex-wife. Eon Jin just nods without saying anything much. Why lately she feels the elevator ride always seems longer than usual.


Finally, after dreadful minutes, they reached level 25. Eon Jin quickly makes her way out of the elevator, leaving Da Mi and Tae Pyung behind. The two followed behind. Da Mi bowed to Tae Pyung before turning to her office.

"I see you, ladies, later," he said before turning left, heading to SK Architect.

* * * * * *

It is Jung Yu Mi first day teaching at Suseong Elementary School. She had a career change and become a teacher after some incident in her previous job. Though everything might seem new, she knows she can do this. This is her choice. As usual, on the first day of teaching, she meets up with the school principal first to report duty. After a short interview with the school head, Mr Yoon, the principal take her to the staff room to introduce her to the rest of the teachers.

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