13 장

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SK Architects team finally moved in next to Kim & Kim Associates, and so far their collaboration runs smoothly. Works and discussion are definitely better when the other party are nearer. Ad-hoc meetings can be arranged within half an hour, and the team can always go to each other's office to have a quick discussion or just sharing ideas.

Unlike his staff, Kim Tae Pyung is only in Daegu office on Thursdays and Fridays as he needs to take care of their operations in Seoul. This eventually makes Eon Jin has lesser interactions with him in the office than the company's architects. Eon Jin thinks that works the best for them because of lesser interactions, the more professional they will be working together.

On alternate weekends, Tae Pyung will have Kang Hoon staying with him. Their son requested this arrangement, so Eon Jin has to agree to respect Kang Hoon's decision. The 12-year-old is happier now that his Appa is nearby and gets to spend more time with him. Not limited to school holidays only.

It was weird initially, but after a month, Eon Jin begins to accept that this is the new norm for her for this coming two years at least. So far, Tae Pyung knew his boundaries and their relationship are merely co-workers and parents to Kang Hoon. Tae Pyung has Kang Hoon every two weeks, it gives Eon Jin a time to do whatever she likes and enjoy the weekends with her friends.

This weekend will be Tae Pyung's turn to have Kang Hoon, and Eon Jin already got his son's things ready since last night. Tae Pyung will come at 9 a.m. to pick their son, and usually, they will start their day by having breakfast together. Ten minutes to 9, Tae Pyung's SUV was parked in front of Eon Jin's house. From the small window of her kitchen, she saw him walking towards the main door.

"Kang Hoon ah, Appa is here," she called out to her son who is busy playing a game on the phone.

Upon hearing that, he quickly put his phone inside his bag pack and pick up the duffel bag next to him. Eon Jin followed behind his son. She's holding a small bag in her hand.

"Good morning," Tae Pyung greeted the two of them as Kang Hoon open the door. He took the duffel bag from his son. "Are you ready to have our adventure, Buddy?" Kang Hoon showed his toothy grin to his father.

"What are you planning to do with him today?" Eon Jin asked.

"Nothing is fixed yet. We usually will plan things adhoc. Why?" Tae Pyung asked his ex-wife back.

Eon Jin shook her head a little to show that it's nothing. She later passed Tae Pyung the small bag she is carrying. "This is Kang Hoon's medicine. He has slight flu and cough. Try not to let him being outdoor too much. And, make sure that you give him these on time," she showed towards the medicine bag that is now in  Tae Pyung's hand. "Oh, one more thing, make sure you dry his hair properly after the shower. This boy tends to sleep with his wet hair. Hence he easily got flu," Eon Jin ruffles Kang Hoon's hair as she speaks. Now the 12-year-old showed his toothy grin to his Eomma.

Tae Pyung lowered down his gaze towards his son. "Do you hear that, Adeul? It means no ice cream, Frappucino and Bingsu for you this weekend. Arasso?"

Kang Hoon lets out a pout. Usually, weekends are when he can enjoy all those as his Eomma is giving a free pass. But not this weekend.

Eon Jin just shook her head while smirking at her son's antiques. Tae Pyung managed to steal a glance at her. He noticed that his ex-wife did age a little. The evidence is evident in the soft lines around her eyes, but she still looks beautiful. She is ageing with grace. Tae Pyung took his wallet from his jeans' backside pocket and took out a few pieces of papers from one of the compartment. He handed those papers to Eon Jin.

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