7 장

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[OST for this chapter is by EXO D.O title That's Okay]  I find this song suits for a new start in life . 


Son Eon Jin has never been this nervous. The last time she felt this jitter was 15 years ago when she went to her first job interview after she graduated from Yonsei University. She was lucky enough to get the job from the first company she interviewed for, and she worked there for a good three years before she decided to quit. It has been more than a decade, and she had forgotten most of the interview skills she learned back in college. She also not so sure what kind of candidate attitude are the interviewers looking for during interview sessions. Her self confidence is getting lower and lower every minute she is in the waiting room, especially when she saw that the other candidates are way much younger than her. Still, she can see how passionate all of them are. One of them is bringing a big folder which she believed is her drawings. The other came with the telescopic case, which could be the prints or his previous projects he worked on. One looks very confident even he did not bring anything much. The passion and the determination of youngsters are very different, especially nowadays where the youngsters are more outgoing and verbal as compared to her batch. This may be due to this younger generation are more open to free of speech concept as compared to people of her age who is a little bit more reserved. They look like the bunch of youths that are ambitious and hopeful, just like how she used to be at their age. And there she was, a 39-year-old lady who wanted a second chance in realizing her dream. Sometimes, she thinks she is a bit too ambitious to try her luck at this age, but it is never too late to start your life over, isn't it? After all, she did this for her son. She wanted to prove to him that she can be a better mother even if she needs to raise him herself.

She is the second interviewee for the day. The number two is always associated with her. She is the second child. She has two children. Her sophomore year is the best in college. Her student number started and end with number 2, and the list just goes on. Even her wedding is on February 22. More often than not, number 2 gave her good luck, and she hopes it still is.

After waiting almost an hour for the first person to finish her interview, finally, it is her turn.

"Son Eon Jin ssi?" the secretary called out her name as she came out from the interview room.

She stands up right away. "Nae. It's me."

"It's your turn now. You can come in," the secretary said as she showed towards the room with full courtesy.

Son Eon Jin gets all her belongings, take an intense breath before walking towards the room with confidence. This is it, you can do it Eon Jin. She encouraged herself as she heading towards her new chapter of life.

There are three interviewers in the room. One from the Human Resource Department and the other two are interior designers. They were friendly people that they want to make the interview session less jittery by creating the environment a little bit laid back and not too rigid and formal. They asked her background in a relax way before asking her more on her technical capabilities.

"From your resume, I see you are a graduate from Yonsei University. May I know from which year?" asked one of the interviewers. Miss Hong Chae Ah, Senior Manager of Design Department.

"I graduated in 2005, Ma'am."

"I have a friend who is a lecturer there, do you know Professor Lee Ae Sin?" she asked again.

"Yes I do, Ma'am. She is my supervisor for my Final Year Project," she answered politely before continue to explain what is her project is all about. The interviewers seem satisfied with her explanation.

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