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"To forgive is to set a prisoner free, and that prisoner was you."

                                   - Lewis B Smedes -

Son Eon Jin put on the new necklace pendant that her ex-husband brought her last night. After contemplating which one to choose, she finally used the one with Haneul's ash in it. By wearing something with parts of her daughter in it, she feels closer to her even though she never really take her out from her heart. Her little girl, Kim Ha Neul, will always stay there inside her heart. Forever.

Eon Jin also believes that she has to learn to make peace to herself by forgiving her ex-husband for cremating their daughter. Her mother was right. That is the best option he had at that time giving their circumstances. It was a sudden loss for everyone that to think about so many things is just torturing.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Eon Jin touched the pendant, and it reminded her of what Tae Pyung told her last night. He wanted to give her the charm to keep their daughter closer to her mother. Nothing else. Knowing that he did the same by wearing the pendant with the ash to keep Haneul with him brings back Eon Jin to those days. To those times when they were happy with their little one. How can she ever doubt Tae Pyung's love for their daughter when he was the happiest person learning that their baby girl existed in her womb?


In their small bathroom space, the husband and wife were waiting eagerly for the pregnancy test kit results. To them, that moment is the most nervous three minutes in their entire life. They have been waiting for a new member of their family for years, and both of them got excited when the wife told the husband she did not feel so well. She has been nauseous and feeling weak. To top it up, she has missed her period for 3 weeks. When the blue lines slowly emerging from the indicator, the two of them could not hide their smiles. The stick was telling them that she is pregnant. Tears formed in their eyes, and they were crying in happiness, knowing that their prayers have been answered. After 8 long years, they are going to have another child.

Tae Pyung hugged Eon Jin tight and keep thanking her. No words could explain how he was feeling at that moment. Some other couples seem not to have a problem conceiving. Some had it very easy, like not using protection and the wife got knocked up but not them, not him and not his wife. After multiple miscarriages, their son came to them like a miracle. He is so strong and stick to his mother's womb for 9 and a half months and born healthy. Their conceiving journey after they had Kang Hoon is tough. They have been trying hard for close to three years only to be greeted by negative results, and seeing the stick in front of them really made them emotional.

Tae Pyung kissed Eon Jin's temple as the latter cried on her husband's chest, still feeling surreal with the pregnancy result. She can't believe another little Kim is growing inside of her. She will take care of this pregnancy well and follow all the professional advice. That one morning in Spring is one of their happiest days.

For the earliest days of her pregnancy with Haneul, Eon Jin hardly do any house chores. She is prohibited from doing so by Tae Pyung. He did most of the work, including taking care of their son. Since the doctor said that his wife needs extra rest as she is in a fragile state, Tae Pyung is afraid that extra movement could cause harm to both of them. For two months in her first trimester, Eon Jin literally getting her unintended bed rest thanks to her husband extra concerns. Coincidentally, she had terrible morning sickness, so the 'bed rest' being justified. Eon Jin never feels being pampered that much in her life, not even when carrying Kang Hoon. She really feels like a spoiled pregnant princess.

* * *

Eon Jin was 20 weeks pregnant and her baby bump finally showing. As compared to her previous pregnancy, her little miracle is smaller as compared to her brother. But, according to the doctor, she is growing well. A pair of arms wrapping her waist from behind and caressing her bulging tummy lovingly. "Morning," he whispered to her ears.

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