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Since he decided on the M&A, Tae Pyung's schedule is getting busier. At nights after dinner he will go through all the emails and financial report Tae Oh and Eugene sent him. They are so efficient and transparent that they report to him every details they did with the money entrusted to them. In a spent of less than a month, they managed to make a 5% profit just by switching shares. They said, if nothing major happened, Tae Pyung could make 20-25% profit in the next two months. He felt relieved hearing that. He could've been able to buy Song Group shares after 6 months.

Thanks to Jayson and his team, Tae Pyung learned a lot on investment and how to manage money. If he knew about this 3 years ago, he could have been able to become the main share holder in Song Group of Companies using his savings. But, like the old saying 'Better late than never'. Kim Tae Pyung could not be any more grateful by the help he gets to release himself from the oppressors.

Being busy with work also helped him in putting his mind off from thinking about his ex wife for a bit. He still missed her dearly and his heart ache that all he can do is he watching her from afar.

After accidentally eavesdropping his staffs gossiping about Eon Jin and him, he now understands why his ex wife wants to stop 'seeing' each other. The misogyny towards divorced woman is real. They put all the blame and shame on Eon Jin. Calling her names and came up with ridiculous theories. At that time, he really feels like wanting to get out from the WC and punched those gossip mongers men. There are so many times that he just want to tell those people that she is his ex-wife and he still loves her.

Respecting Eon Jin's decision and to show professionalism as a leader, he distanced himself from her and tried his best not to bumped into her on purpose nor accidentally. His secretary is in charge to get his morning coffee now. Tae Pyung knows Eon Jin enjoys her morning coffee break with Da Mi, hence he lets her to have sometime alone with her friend. Kwon Da Mi is the only person who doesn't look down on Eon Jin for the scandal. He is glad at least, she has someone to rely on in the office.

Tae Pyung still received Hattie and Massimo's photos from the anonymous sender. So far, he had received 4 envelopes. One each weekly. But what makes him curious is there's no note in the envelope. Only photos. What is the motive of the sender? Is he or she wants to blackmail him? Or strike a deal with him? He has no idea. However he still keeps those photos safe although he wants to puke seeing all those explicit content. Seems like everytime Hattie is mad with him, she will run to the Sicilian guy. Massimo is her safe haven. At least he can keep to control Hattie. Sex is something that can calm Hattie Song if she goes mad and Tae Pyung is thankful for Massimo as he can provide that to Hattie.

Shoving the envelope in his suitcase, Tae Pyung left his Seoul office and decided to head down to Daegu. His time now are mostly spent in Daegu rather than Seoul as he feels less suffocating there. Being in Seoul just reminded him so much of his past mistakes . The metropolitan makes him feels depressed.



Just when she thought her life are slowly getting better, getting back to work and having more friends that she can have fun with, she got tested once again. Because of the rumour involving her and Tae Pyung, Eon Jin has been alienated by most of her colleagues. The only person who still talks to her in the office is Da Mi, her teammates and her boss, Kim Jung Hyun. Aside Da Mi, her other teammates only talk about work with her. They no longer just loafing around and make jokes with each other like before. That's the price she has to pay from being labelled as having 'an affair' with Kim Daepyonim of SK Architect.

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