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"Spring will come,
And so is happiness.
Hold On.
Life will get warmer."
(Anita Krizzan)

After the long cold winter, spring comes and make a change. It brings the sunshine to warm up the weather and let the flowers bloom and beautify the world. It adds new life and beauty. Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can be.

Just like the pleasant weather, Eon Jin & Tae Pyung's happiness comes like spring after a very very long, dark and gloomy winter. One by one of their happiness blooms and brings colours in their life. Just like how the flowers bloom every spring. One type of flower after another for the whole 2 months. Hopefully soon, their lives will be a colorful bed of bliss.

They couldn't be any more grateful with their new relationship. They don't even know what it should be called. They're not a married couple, not really a scandal. Probably lovers but they shared more than that. They have children together. Whatever it is called or whether it has a name or not, they just want to enjoy the time that were given to them.

Checking herself one last time in the mirror, Eon Jin took out the pendant and put it outside, making it noticeable. She hopes Haneul will see it and knows that she has been keeping her close to the heart although Eomma hasn't visited the columbarium.

Eon Jin put on a princess cut dress in pink and let her hair down. She put a simple hairband and applied on a natural look make up. She smiled at the mirror trying to throw away her nervousness.

Tae Pyung leaned in at the door pane and stared on the woman who has his whole heart. When she told him she wanted to visit their daughter last night, Tae Pyung is happy but he is worried at the same time. He is concerned that she might get sad or having a breakdown meeting their little girl but he also knew that Eon Jin must be ready hence she asked. She stayed in the nursery for hours without problem, means that she's stronger now than how she was years ago.

Walking towards Eon Jin, he put his right arm over her shoulder, caressing the top of her arm. He kissed her forehead hoping that it will reduce her nervousness.

"You look beautiful, Haneul must be excited to meet you."

"Will she? I haven't visited her since we sent her off. What kind of a mother am I?"

Tae Pyung turned Eon Jin's body to face him and bend down a little bit to meet her eye level. He tilted her chin and looked at her softly, "Our girl has been missing you. I believe she'll be the happiest today. You're her eomma, you carried her and brought her to this world. Haneul loves you so much."

Her husband's words eased Eon Jin. She smiled at him and took his hand as they walked out of the room.


The 15 minutes journey to the columbarium is smooth. No heavy traffic nor disturbance along the way. The weather is perfect. The sun is shining bright but the chilly spring breeze that's blowing makes the weather pleasant. It's sunny but cooling.

And the sky.....the sky is absolutely beautiful. It's blue and full of fluffy clouds. It feels like heaven. What an irony that Haneul also means heaven and sky. Hopefully the azure sky brings good luck and makes the meeting pleasant.

As soon as they arrived, her ex husband has been holding onto her hands and lead every step of her way towards their baby's niche. At least, she felt safe.

Eon Jin is surprised when she was brought into a bigger room on the second floor, not to the main hall where most boxes are. She's surprised to see how big and neat Haneul's niche is and it's being taken care well. A lot of toys inside and all those beautiful photos are neatly arranged.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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