Why I don't update.

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Many of you may wonder, where is the new chapter? or When I'm going to write one.

truth is, I don't want to write a story that just doesn't strike me as intriguing.

When I first wrote this, I was having fun, because at the time I was really into bloodborne. The other reason was, the quick and overwhelmingly positive reception this story got.

But now... Now I see this story as my weakest one. This was my first story, and for a beginner it was good or decent. Now however, I look at this story and see a bunch of generic shit. Why generic? Be honest, you could replace the hunter and the game bloodborne with dark souls, or even Sephiroth and it would still be the same story, only with minor changes.

I wrote myself into a corner, where if I wanted to kill off one of the female characters, it would either be a decent turn of events or a shitty one.

I originally wanted to write this story because there weren't many crossover done with MHA and Bloodborne, but now. I don't really find mha interesting because 1 it's boring, for me at least. And 2 going episode by episode isn't anything creative. It's copy and fucking paste with minor things here and there that are different.

Now, am I saying that I'll discontinue this story? No. I will finish it, eventually. However it will be a long time before that happens considering I have a list of stories I want to write.

I'm sorry to anyone who has been dying to read this and see it's conclusion, but there are other stories with bloodborne that are better.

Such as:

The Shattered Nightmare: Reawakened

Jaune is a hunter and returns from the nightmare into remnant.

The Night Unfurls: Re-Imagined

Kuroinu and bloodborne.


There are great stories on fanfiction.net if you just look for them.

There is a reason why I wrote "Legion's Influence" in the previous chapter, was because I wanted to take a fresh breath and express my creativity with Fallout New Vegas and Caesar's Legion. And because I wanted to kill off eri because every. single. book. I've read had the reader take care of her... which is something that might scare people away, but what did you expect? If you don't want to read or be put in the shoes of a murdering bastard then don't read said book. Granted it was a chapter, and it did come out of no-where, but my point still stands. Killing kids isn't off limits when it comes

If you still want to read stories by me, then check out any of my other books.

This is a story that I've work hard on. Check it out if you're interested.

 Check it out if you're interested

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Don't think I hate this story. I have built up 500+ followers who read my shit, and for that I'm grateful. 

I'm also grateful for the many writers I follow that got me into writing. So, here's a shout out to them, check them out.

RandomnessLord (Cool ideas. Great execution.)

iamfreakingout (I enjoyed them, although I remember there being more on his profile.)

tejoye (Good friend of mine, with good stories.)

Johnny_Blade289 (DMC Devil May Cry is a good game, fight me.)

Freakskullz98 (Great over-arching reaper stories.)

Twizted_overlord (Original story ideas that don't require copy and pasting episode plot points to work. It's good, is what I'm trying to say.)

AmericanSoviet (Mad-Comrade. A true Red Alert 2 style soviet.)

darkprince171 (Has a gamer story that isn't shit.)

Destroyer_Creater2 (Rip his first account. May it rest in weed.)

Jack2the7ripper (*Clap Clap Clap* Thank you. I enjoy the writing.)

zombiereader334 (Although generic, but quite enjoyable rwby stories.)

ModerateOutis (And his amazing filthyfrank story.)

The_Fallen_Crusader (I like this guy... I used all my good complements.)

Thank you all for being an inspiration for me and writing great books. Sorry for tagging you out of nowhere, I wanted the readers to have easy access.

There are others who I follow, but they were mostly either a category of "Books I enjoy but aren't god-tier" or "Good, but wan't really inspired by them."

Bloodborne Hunter Male reader x BNHA- A Bloody RevelationWhere stories live. Discover now