Chapter 12 An Attack Of Vermin

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Ok so I got my info wrong. I finished season 2 I just never finished season 3 and not began season 4. sorry if the info is wrong I'm so confused.


(Y/N) Pov

It has been over a week sense the sports festival and I was on a 'train' with izumi, I and her were close together which was a result of there being many people. I was currently wearing the Ashen Hunter set, an attire worn my Old Hunter Djura.

The people were staring at me frightened by my mere presence but I simply ignored them

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The people were staring at me frightened by my mere presence but I simply ignored them.

???: "Excuse me Excuse me!"

Izumi and I looked towards the voice

???: "I have seen you during the sports festival and I have to say good job"

???: "Yeah that was incredible!"

People started to complement izumi telling her to do her best.

Izumi: "I will"

I smiled at her, truly she was a kind soul.

_Timeskip brought by (Y/N) laying in bed being surrounded by class 1-a girls with kendo and mei_

Aizawa was explaining about the internships that the class were offered. I was the one with the most offers despite my acts during the third trial. I then saw midnight come in.

Midnight: "Today you will be making your hero names!"

The class was exited by this. When it was my turn I walked up to the front and presented my name

(Y/N): "Hunter"

The class was confused by this.

Midnight: "Uuum...... are you sure?"

I faced midnight

(Y/N): "Yes"

None had spoken up, dispite my choice. After the class was over I walked up to izumi

(Y/N): "Izumi, do you know what internship you were offered?"

Izumi: "Oh w-well I was offered to be trained by gran torino"

(Y/N): "And who is this person?"

Izumi blushed realising I did not know every hero like her.

Izumi: "S-sorry I forgot, he is a fast hero that uses his boots to dash in the air"

I raised a brow at this but dismissed it quickly

(Y/N): "Well good luck with that"

I then gave her a kiss which resulted in her blushing, Once I left the class I went to the principal because he wanted to tell me something. Once I arrived I was met with all the teachers, some were looking at me in fear including All Might.

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