Chapter Three- Spend time with me

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~~Marco's point of view~~

It's Sunday morning. This is when I do my grocery shopping. I only have Brystol and Bianca at home. I always make sure they have snacks and stuff that teenage girls like. I always go before Angie brings them home.

I roam the aisle putting stuff in my cart. I see Marielle in front of me, trying to reach something on the top shelf. She's a tiny woman. I'm a big man.

Marco: "Need help?"

She turns and smiles at me. Her smile warms my heart.

Marielle: "Do you mind?"

Marco: "No."

I get the item and hand it to her.

Marielle: "Thank you. You always seem to be there when I need you."

Marco: "Lucky me."

Marielle: "I'm the lucky one."

Marco: "How are you feeling?"

Marielle: "Better. The pain is nowhere near as bad. The bruising sucks."

Marco: "I'm sure."

Marco: "Promise me something?"

Marielle: "What?"

Marco: "Don't go out alone anymore. If you want to go out, take one of the guys."

Marielle: "I'll be doing any drinking at home or with the girls. Not the ones from work."

Marco: "Are you guys still doing Friday nights?"

Marielle: "We are. I kind of skipped last Friday. I shouldn't have."

Marco: "Don't blame yourself. You didn't ask for it. We should have pressed charges on the guy."

Marielle: "He's not worth it."

Marco: "I worry he will do it to someone else."

Marielle: "It's always a possibility, but I don't want to deal with it."

Marco: "I understand."

I want to spend time with her. I have since leaving her house yesterday morning.

I know it's a long shot. 

Marco: "What are your plans for the afternoon?"

Marielle: "Nothing. Marcus is with Megan and Turner. I spend my Sunday afternoons alone after shopping."

Marco: "Have lunch with me?"

She gets a huge smile.

Marielle: "Sure."

Marco: "Text me when you're home. I'll pick you up."

Marielle: "I don't have your number."

Marco: "Did Marcus replace yours?"

Marielle: "I did before coming here."

I hand her my phone. She types some things in and gives it back.

Marielle: "I put my name in and texted myself from your phone. So now you have my number, and I have yours."

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