Chapter Ten-Exposed

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~~Present Day~~


We've been married three months. It's been wonderful. We've made it work.

We considered Hawaii our honeymoon. We did manage to stay away from Soulmate Island. All the other married couples went at separate times. I'm betting that Caroline and Bella will announce they're pregnant here soon. All the others were already pregnant and are now due any day.

I'm in the bathroom at work. I'm trying to wrap my head around what I'm seeing.

I do it five more times to make sure.

All six of them.

Two pink lines.

I've gone back to my office. I sit at my desk and cry; I'm not upset; I'm extremely happy.

Mama and Pops are going to lose their shit.

I do feel like I am going to disappoint them.

I'm going to keep quiet for as long as possible.

I get busy putting in appointments for Pops for this week. A knock comes on my door.

Anissa: "Come in."

I look up and see Joshua.

Anissa: "Mmm."

He chuckles.

Joshua: "Like what you see?"

Anissa: "I love what I see."

Joshua: "We need to talk."

Oh shit.

Anissa: "What's up?"

He pulls something out of his pocket and sits it in front of me.

Anissa: "What is this?"

Joshua: "I think you know what it is."

Anissa: "I do. It's not mine."

I grab my purse and count.


One's missing.

Joshua: "You sure about that?"

Anissa: "Yep."

Joshua: "Well, see, there are only two girls on this floor. You and Wendy. I saw you go to the bathroom before Wendy. She came out with this. I can guarantee you that it's not hers."

Anissa: "How?"

Joshua: "She's a lesbian."

Anissa: "Really?"

Joshua: "So, I am going to ask again. What is this?"

Anissa: "You know what it is."

Joshua: "There are two lines on here."

Anissa: "Yep."

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