Pending Request

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Today I wake up little early, 6:15. Now, I don’t want to sleep again otherwise I’ll not get up on time. I take my phone and there are so many notifications but what catch my attention is Mr. Oberio’s request on Instagram.

So, Mr. OBEROI is stalking me!!
But why he is stalking me?
“I think he likes you.” My subconscious mind said.

“There is nothing like that.” I replied back to my mind.

“Areey, I tell you, he likes you that’s why he is stalking you.” My subconscious mind stated.

“These all are nonsense talks, there is nothing like this, Okay!” I resorted back.

“Okay fine, but are you going to accept or not?” My subconscious mind asked.

“Neither I will accept nor I will reject, I’ll put it pending.” I answered.

“You are much more famous than Ritwik, that’s why you are not going to accept the request, right?” My subconscious mind said sarcastically.

“Stop being sarcastic and shut up, let me do my routine work.” I shushed my subconscious mind.

Before getting up from the bed, text of Tani pops up of wishing me “Good morning aloo.” She knows that I hate this name, still she is addressing me with that name.

But have to reply back or else she’ll gonna kill me in the morning only. I replied her, “Good morning Jeera”, now it’s my payback time.

She replied “Don‘t call me that.”

“So, you also stop calling me aloo.“ I replied.

“That’s my birth right aloo.” She replied with a laughing and heart emoji.

“Same pinch Jeera.”

“Leave this aloo Jeera, we’ll continue it some other day, firstly I have some sizzling thing to share with you.” I typed much faster than before.

“Sizzling talks in the morning that’s too by your side, share it fast, I can’t wait more.” She replied with excitement emoji.

“Hold your breathe, Mr. Oberio had sent me a follow request!!”

“What the f**k? He ‘The Ritwik Oberoi’ sent a follow request to YOU, don’t tell me that you haven’t accepted the request.”

“Maybe, you’re right!”

“I think you are Queen Victoria, that’s why you haven’t accept it yet. You’re highness, what do you think? He'll come to you and say please accept my request.” Sarcasm is dripping from her reply.

“Nothing like that, I’ll accept it in few days. OK now bye, I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.”

After texting her bye, I see the clock and it’s 7 already. Today, I can’t go for a walk as I’m late.



Palak head outwards washroom and fresh up. 30 mins later, she comes to kitchen after being ready in white slit cut kurti, leaves printed on it and she matched it with black jeans.She started preparing for breakfast and after sometime Smita and Kavya joins her.

“Good morning Mumma & bhabhi.” Palak said chopping green chilies and putting them aside, she takes flour in a vessel.

“Good morning, piyu.” Smita and Kavya said in unison.

“What’s my baby cooking ?” saying this Smita encircle her hand around Palak’s shoulder.

“Mumma I’m not a baby, I’m a grown up girl.” She said with a cute pout and listening this Kavya started laughing.

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