Weird Feelings

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I came in my room and directly moved towards balcony and sitting in swing my thoughts went back to conversation which happened few minutes ago. Is mom and bhabhi right that I still have not moved from my past?

Why still it effects me? That was not my fault. I didn’t deserve all these.

Will I able to trust anyone for my whole life?

I hate this situation whenever I feel like hell. Why I have felt weird Ritwik touched me? Why he was behaving so protective towards me? I think he got more panic by seeing me in that condition. Because of touch and that feeling I didn’t realised that I was standing in lift. Why he effects me so much? I don’t have any answers to my weird questions. He said that he will see my all work by himself. Was he meant that actually? Should I call him? But wait a second I don’t have his cell number. But I can get it from Mohit, what if I call Ritwik and he will take in the wrong way. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn’t notice when bhai enters in my room. He talked for some time and then I also shares with him about the incidence happened with me and Ritwik and he tried to understand me. He left after hugging me. I entered in my room and laid down on bed when a notification popped in phone.

I check the phone because it may be important. When I see, it is a notification of Ritwik’s direct message on Instagram. The message is:

Hey Palak sorry to disturb you but I messaged you to inform that your all work is done and everyone is praising you about your work. So, you don’t stress, everything is taken care of. I hope you have taken your medicines and take care. See you soon.

A smile comes on my lips by reading his messages. It’s so sweet of him that he is personally informing me about my work which he have do. I think I should reply him:

Hello Ritwik

Thank you for working on my behalf, it means a lot. It’s so nice of you that you did all this for me. I’m not taking stress, thanks to you. See you soon.

After replying back I drifted to sleep.




After Palak left with Shekhar. Ritwik calls his PA and asked him about the current situation at venue. His PA informed him that everything is going well, if you want I can check again. But Ritwik said that he will check by himself and his PA accompany him. Ritwik reached at venue with his PA and he himself checked everything. Then after sometime he thought to informed Palak so he messaged her on Instagram. Later, he gets Palak’s reply, reading her message he is relieved that she is fine.


It’s dinner time and everyone are gathered at dinning table except Palak. Veer is going to call her but Kavya stops him and tells him that she will bring her from room. She moves inside Palak’s room and sees only light lamp is on. Kavya sits besides her and starts stroking her hair.

“Piyu get up it’s diner time and if you will sleep right now then at night you will not get proper sleep.”

“Five minutes more bhabhi.”

“No more five minutes you get up right now because everyone is waiting for you at dining table and without you they’re not going eat anything.”

Listening this Palak gets up lazily and outs her head in Kavya’s shoulder.

“You go bhabhi, after freshening up I’ll be there.”

“You go and freshen up I’ll go together.” Listening this Palak nodded her head positively.

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