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It’s been a week and the function is going to start in few days for which Palak’s working and today Ruhani is going to join Oberoi’s for internship. In this past week Ritwik and Palak were so busy that they didn’t get time to interact with each other properly. They just made for the work because of this Ritwik’s friendship motive got spoiled.


He is working on some file when he hears a knock on door, so saying a coming to the person he again gets busy in his file.

“Good morning sir.” Ruhani said in different tone.

Ritwik is so busy in his file that he didn’t notice Ruhani and said in a bossy tone, “Good morning, have a seat.”

“What work I have to do? ” Saying this she suppress her laugh.

“Here I’m paying you and you don’t even know what work you do?” Saying this is close the file angrily and looks up to see who is messing with him and seeing Ruhani starts laughing. “ Ruhu are you mad, who do prank on the first day of the work?” Ritwik continues.

“Obviously me.” Ruhani said cheerfully.

“No one had ever dare to make fun regarding work in the office but now you are here so I have to be prepared.”

“Bhai, I’m here to work and not to enjoy things or to irritate you.”

“Okay, Ms. Oberoi it’s really good that we are getting a nice and hardworking intern.” He said in a professional tone.

“I’m glad sir that I get chance to work here.” She also play along with him.

“Okay, jokes apart I’ll inform my PA about you and he’ll guide you about the work.”

“Okay bhai as you say but remember no special treatment.”

“I remembered Ruhu, you'll be treated as a normal intern only.”

Ritwik calls his PA and tells him to come in his cabin. Few minutes later he comes, Ritwik informs and introduces him with Ruhani as an intern. They are talking when someone knocks on door and Ritwik said come in and Palak enters inside.

“Sorry to disturb you Mr. Oberoi, there is little issue at the venue and it’s require your attention.” Palak said in hurry.

“What happened Miss. Palak, can you elaborate it?” Ritwik asks in confusion.

“When we were working, suddenly a truck loaded of props and decorations came and admitted that the belongings were at the name of Oberoi’s of this venue. I didn’t order anything at the name of Oberoi’s and now they are messing with me to unload the things.” Palak said in a flow.

“Okay, come with me I’ll sort it out.” Saying this Ritwik gets up from his seat and gestures Palak. He returns towards Ruhani and said further, “Ruhu you start your work Aman will guide you.” Then he left with Palak.

They both reaches at the venue and sees the truck driver arguing with workers. They both move towards them and Ritwik calls that driver and takes him little aside and asks him about the matter. To which driver replies that he had given the address of the venue to deliver the loaded things.

“Can you show me the address?” Ritwik asks calmly.

“What do you do with address. This is the address and I know it very well.” The driver said in little high tone.

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