gift exchange

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Indigo's POV:

It was December 29th when we woke up, meaning no school!

We stayed in our comfiest clothes and made our way down to the Great Hall.

Most of the students were back from Christmas break, so the Great Hall was packed with kids wearing their new clothes or playing with any new toys they had gotten.

I met up with my friends, updated each other on our Christmas break and what had happened since we had all last seen each other. Hermione continued to talk all about what books her parents had gotten her and that she hadn't taken that into account when thinking about reading all of the books in the library.

We all were in our PJ's, not a care in the world, devouring some fantastic, fluffy pancakes with lots of milk.

My glass of orange juice caused many to be disgusted with me and others worried for my well being.

"You have to be a psychopath." Matilda concluded.

"Who raised you and told you orange juice tastes good with pancakes!" Ron cried. As much as this boy loves food, he will not eat something that is a weird combination.

For example, chicken and waffles. A great combination of flavor, packed with savory/salty chicken and sweet waffles, all combined together to make a great meal. Ron would NEVER dare to try it.

He's not picky either, honestly he just has a weird taste for food.

We all talked about our gifts and what we got and decided to exchange gifts at night, after we had our whole day to hang out and chill.

I had gotten gifts for, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Matilda, Angel, George, Fred, and Neville.

Ron and I stayed talking in the Great Hall, until basically everyone had cleared out. There were a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs left at their tables, but they weren't close enough to hear us.

"So.." Ron started, "about last night..."

I cut him off, "I know, I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes. I guess, I..."

He began giggling at my nervousness like a child.

"Ron, I'm trying to be serious." I said, holding back a smile.

"I know, I know! You're just so cute. I can't sit here and have a serious conversation without fighting the urge to kiss you."

My face grew red.

"Ron!" I whisper screamed.

"What!" He said defensively, "I'm serious, you're just so cute." He grabbed my cheeks in his hand and squeezed them.

I began laughing at this action, then pushed him off of me.

"I'm serious." I tried to keep a straight face again.

"Love, there's no need to be sorry!" He said,

"Love?" A smile grew bigger on my face and I raised my eyebrows, while his eyes basically flew out of his head once he realized what he had said.

"No, I mean, not no...just not, love. Love, like what I" He was definitely sweating at this point, making me break out into laughter.

"I'm just kidding, Ron. I know what you mean." I reassured him, his face began to slowly return to its natural color.

I knew what he meant, yes, but the way he called me "love" kept replaying in my head.

"Wanna walk around?" He asked, grabbing my hand, not really giving me a choice.

We left the Great Hall and made our way to an exit out of the castle. We walked along the long path that wraps around the school. It opened up to a large grassy field with a spread of leafless trees. We sat against one, hand in hand, just talking about our classes and our families.

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