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Ron's POV:

As we talked, her voice began to get higher and sounded more drowsy. 

Her little fingers were making circles on my chest and her head was now resting on my shoulder. My arm fell a little above her waist. 

"Are you going to sleep?" I asked her, almost whispering. 

She hummed into my chest, making me pull her closer to me. Her eyes fluttered shut and she pulled my sweatshirt closer to her. 

She was so small and so delicate.  I didn't want to move an inch and somehow wake her up. 

I looked at her face, warmed from the fire in front of us. Her nose curled up at the end too and her lips, don't get me started about her lips. They had a perfectly pink tone and were slightly parted as she slept. 

I wondered what she dreamt about and if she was dreaming about me. 

I always thought she was stunning, since the first day I met her on the train, but I had a feeling she didn't feel the same. 

After about 20 minutes of letting her sleep, I softly shook her shoulder, trying to wake her up. She didn't move, she stayed dead asleep. I shook her once more, less lightly and still, nothing. 

Bloody hell she's a sound sleeper, I thought. 

I decided I had to carry her. I knew I really could've just tried harder to wake her up, but I thought I should let her sleep. 

I put my hand on her back and used my other hand to pull her legs up, putting her in a bridal position on top of me. I stood up from the couch, trying to make the smallest movements possible, so she wouldn't wake up. 

She nudged her head into my chest as she pulled her arms around my neck. 

"Indigo?" I whispered, wondering if she was awake. 

No reply. 

I continued to walk up to the girls dorms and thankfully her door was unlocked. I saw all the other girls were asleep, so I tiptoed to the open bed and slowly placed her down on the covers. 

Her arms slowly fell from my neck and landed on her sheets. I made sure she wouldn't fall off the bed before leaving. 

As I walked to the door I heard a voice, "Ron?" it called, but it wasn't Indigo. 

"Hermione?" I questioned the voice. 

"What are you doing in here?" her voice getting louder making me shush her. 

"Nothing, just uh...nothing, okay? Go back to sleep, this is a dream." I hoped that would fool her, but it's Hermione Granger we are talking about. There's no fooling that girl. I walked out and pulled the door shut. 

Then, I quickly made it all the way back to my dorm and jumped into bed. Most of the boys were asleep, but the ones that were up didn't say anything. Either they didn't notice or they just didn't care. 

I usually snuck out for snacks, so it wasn't unusual for me to come back to our dorm late at night. 

As I got into my bed, her scent was still on my sweatshirt. 

It smelled almost like coconut or cinnamon. I don't really know the difference. 

Whatever it was, it smelled so good. 

I feel asleep thinking about her little body curled up against mine. 

Indigo's POV: 

I woke up in my dorm the next morning, wondering how I got there. I thought about last night and was a little shocked, I had never thought Ron actually thought of me as anything more than a friend. 

I rolled over and heard Hermione talking about a dream she had last night. 

I started listening in on what she was saying, "So then, I transported back into our dorm, but Ron was in here and I was like 'Ron what are you doing here' and he ran out. I got back to the library and.." 

After I heard her say library I stopped listening. There's nothing that girl loves more than the library. 

I thought to the last thing I remember and it was Ron asking me something about sleeping and then there's nothing else. 

I assumed I must have just walked up to my room myself, but then why would Ron have been in our room?  I thought to myself. 

I decided it would be better to just act normal like nothing happened and just get ready for school. I had a later class today at 9:30, so I wasn't in the biggest rush to get to breakfast. 

The girls asked if I wanted to come with them, but I told them I would just meet them there. 

I washed my face, brushed my teeth and then threw on my robe and uniform for the day. Of course rolling up my skirt a little. 

I walked down to the hall to get some food. I passed by Draco and tried saying hi, but he basically ignored my presence since he was with his little posse. 

like K. 

I got some bacon and pancakes for today and then sat down at the table. Everyone was basically done eating already and just talking at this point.

"There you are!" Harry said to me, smiling, "We have been meaning to ask you a question." 

I sat down beside Angel. "Ask away." I said false confidently, wondering if he would ask about last night.

"Do you know how to do the potions homework?" He asked desperately. 

I laughed at myself for thinking he would ask me about Ron, "Yea," I pulled out my paper and handed it over to him.

"Thank, Hermione wouldn't give me hers, since I asked for it yesterday." I laughed, it was funny thinking that the "chosen one" needed help with his potions homework. 

That's when I noticed, the redheaded boy was nowhere to be seen. His brothers were, but he wasn't. 

I thought silently, but eventually just assumed he had already went to class. 

We all talked before going off to our classes.

The day passed by and I didn't see Ron once. I was a little disappointed, but he's one of my best friends, maybe last night was just him being friendly. I changed into sweatpants and a tank top after my shower and laid in bed. 

I had already finished my homework, so I had basically nothing to do. 

"I think I'm going to go take a walk outside." I said to the girls. They nodded as I walked out of the dorm. 

I walked out of the common room and into the hallways. I loved exploring the castle and the land around it. It was so beautiful, I loved looking at all of the architecture and paintings. 

I walked outside to get some fresh air. Since it was the end October, the wind was brisk, but not too cold. 

I sat on the side of the castle and looked up at the sky. It was 7:45 ish when I left, so it was probably around 8. The stars were clearly visible that night. 

I thought I saw someone laying on the ground in the distance looking up at the stars, but I was too unsure to get closer to them. 

I smelled the trees and the cold air rushed into my lungs. I shivered and decided it was time to go back inside. 

I went up to the dorms and warmed up under my covers. 

My headphones were sitting on my deskside table, so I grabbed them and put them in my ears. 

I shuffled my chill playlist and then headed off to sleep, just thinking about the stars. 

A/N: I know it's weird I end chapters after each day, but again it's the beginning and things will get so much better i PROMISE!!

âme sœur - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now