let's talk

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Indigo's POV:


Screams erupted from all over the common room.

Draco's lips against mine, my hands running through his hair; his hands pulling my waist in closer.

All I could think about was kissing Ron, so that's what I imagined.

I pulled away, "Uh.. Happy New Year!"

He looked behind me then back at me, "Looks like you have a stalker."

I didn't want to turn around.

I knew who it was.

"Indigo?" His eyes more bloodshot than my own, his voice was low and raspy.

I broke eye contact and pulled away from Draco.

At this point, all the kids were running outside to see something, so I left him alone.

He didn't move, he let everyone push past him until there was no one left. I looked over my shoulder to see he was still looking at me and sure enough, he was.

My stomach dropped.

I felt terrible.

The worst part is that I gave Draco Malfoy the satisfaction of being my rebound.

I kept up with the crowd as they ran outside.

There were fireworks shooting through the air, followed by a few people on their brooms. Teachers began to file out as well, clapping and screaming for the New Year. I swear I saw even a slight smile on Snape's face.

Standing in the big group of Hogwarts students, I began to cry.

The tears made lines down my face, only to reflect the light of the fireworks on my cheeks.

No one noticed.

I felt so lost. I had just kissed Malfoy in front of the only person I want the most. I took my hand and rubbed away the tears.

Even though I was surrounded by hundreds of people, I had never felt more alone.

I couldn't stay and risk someone seeing me and trying to ask me what was wrong.

I threw my hands over my face, my eyeliner was down my face and one look of another person would reveal to them all they needed to know.

I ran as fast as I could back into the common room to find Ron, but he wasn't there.

I screamed his name, "RON!"

My voice high and cracky.

"Where are you!" I screamed again, running in circles around the room. I checked every inch of the room, sobbing.

"I'M SORRY!" I hoped he would hear me, "IT WAS A MISTAKE!"

"It was a mistake." I feel to the ground in a puddle of tears.

I just laid there, in the middle of my common room, on the handcrafted rugs, across from the fire, as a shell of myself shook with regret.

I couldn't move, I couldn't get myself to move.

I fucked up just as much as Ron did, if not more.

My heart hurt.

I didn't have the motivation to get up, I just laid there, waiting for no one.

I fell asleep and was only slightly woken up by someone carrying me up to my dorm. I couldn't look up at who it was, all I saw was red hair and then drifted off to sleep in my own bed.

âme sœur - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now