train rides and new friends

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Indigo's POV:

With my suitcase in my hand and my ipod in the other, I walked down the cobblestone walkway with my parents following close behind. They are very big on being early, so we got there before the train had even arrived.

I knew they were nervous to send me on my own; they had barely ever let me leave their side, even in the muggle world, making it hard not to be nervous. Eventually, more people began to show up and the station became crowded with families of all kinds of wizards.

I hugged my parents for a long time, "I love you so much." I said, and as those words left my lips I began to tear up. I was trying my hardest not to cry. Though, as sad as I was to leave them, I was so overjoyed to be starting my new life.

I never really had a bad life in the muggle world, I always had friends and was never really bullied, but I always felt like there was something more out there for me. Turns out I was a literal wizard and my parents were one of the most famous wizard couple in the wizarding world.

Weird how that happens.

The train had arrived and kids began to pour into the train doors. I gave my parents one last hug before I grabbed my things and walked onto the train. I looked to my left and saw an open seating booth with a clear sliding door. I put down my things and sat on the blue fabric seats. The aroma of cinnamon and spearmint flew into my nose and I smiled softly at the scent.

I decided since it would be a pretty long ride, I might as well take a nap.

After dozing off, I felt freezing cold air wash over me, immediately waking me up. Little did I know, I was not alone in the booth as I was before I fell asleep. Instead there were two redheaded, twin boys sitting across from me. I shot up, shocked to say the least.

But then I felt it again, this bone shivering feeling going down my spine and making me feel like I would never be happy again.

"Do you feel that?" I asked the two boys.

"I do." One said and the other nodded in agreement, wrapping his arms around himself.

I looked over to the glass doors to see a black figure opening the door across from us.

"What the hell??" I screeched, jumping back as close to the opposite window as I could get.

From my view I saw three other kids in the booth across from me. One girl and two boys. The girl had curly hair kind of like mine, but much shorter. Then there was another redheaded boy next to her and across from them I saw the Harry Potter. The one everyone talks about. Suddenly, a ball of light shot out and the black figure flew away.

I saw a man, maybe a father or a teacher, standing up with his wand facing where the figure once had been. He began talking to the kids and helped to lift up the fallen Potter.

"Whoa." The twins said in sync, causing me to turn and look at them.

"What was that?" I asked, shocked at what had just occurred.

"That's a dementor, didn't you know?" said the one in a hat.

"Uh, well no, I've heard of them, but I've never actually seen one. I'm a transfer." I awkwardly replied.

"Ah, that's why we didn't recognize her!" The boy in the hat said to his twin. "What's your name?" They asked in sync, laughing as they did so.

"I'm Indigo, Indigo White." I extended my hand, in which they politely shook. "What are your names?"

"I'm Fred!" The one without the hat said cheerfully, "and this is my twin brother George." They both smiled at each other, then back at me.

"Oh Fred! You must introduce her to Ron and them!" George said, turning to look at the compartment across from us where the dementor just was.

They stood up and looked for me to follow. We walked into the now very cramped booth and I smiled at them, nervously pulling my sleeves over my hands.

"Hey guys, this is Indigo White. She's a transfer from... wait where are you from?" George asked.

All of their eyes were on me, making me swallow hard. "Uh the United States, like the muggle world."

The curly haired girls eyes opened wide, "No way!! I've heard all about your parents!! Wow, it's so lovely to meet you!" She sent a reassuring smile, helping to calm my nerves.

As I said, I always had friends in the muggle world, so I never really had to make any new friends, at least not very often. Going from having a solid group of friends to being completely alone was scary, but at least they all seemed pretty nice.

"I'm Hermione Granger, that is Harry Potter across from me, and this is Ron Weasley." She said motioning to the boys around her. Harry looked a little paler than in pictures. Nonetheless, I smiled at all of them and said hi.

The train started to slow down and as we looked around, we saw that we were basically at the school. The train jerked quickly causing me to desperately grab for something to stop me from falling straight onto my face. I was so close to grabbing the doorframe, but it slipped from my fingers and I ended up landing straight on the ginger haired boy named Ron.

"Oh my god." I quickly got up, trying to stop my face from turning red of embarrassment. His face was red too.

"No, uh, no big deal." He said, too embarrassed to look me in my eyes.

I turned to go back to my booth to grab my stuff, leaving the space as soon as possible. Hearing the snickers of the twins following close behind me definitely did not help to calm my humiliated feeling.

I grabbed my suitcase, placing it beside me as I collected the rest of my things before sitting back down on the seats. Fred grabbed my suitcase for me, a very gentlemen thing to do, and walked it to the open glass door of the compartment.

Looking out to see the beautiful castle I would soon call home, I put one of my headphones in my ear and let the other dangle to my side, skimming the skin my crop top hadn't covered. I clicked shuffle on my ipod and Perfect Places by Lorde started playing through my head. The twins had walked out into a different room, leaving me alone.

Through my peripheral vision I saw someone standing looking in. I turned my head to see Hermione walking through the small entranceway. "Hey! If you want, you can walk with us to the castle." She said.

"Yea! Let me just make sure I have everything first."

I did a quick scan to make sure I didn't leave any of my belongings behind and then walked up to my suitcase. "Okay, I'm ready!" I said a little too cheerfully.

She had already grabbed her things, so we walked into the hallway that separated all of the booths from each other.

We walked out, loosely followed by the boys. Hermione and I got to talking and she's in Gryffindor just like the boys.  I told her my mom was a ravenclaw and my dad was a gryffindor, so I'm really not sure where I would be placed.

"Well, I hope you get sorted in Gryffindor and maybe we can even room together!" She smiled, but realizing she was a little forward she continued, "I mean if you want... sorry I just haven't ever really had another girl to hang out and talk to. It's been me and this group of boys since first year."

Aw, she's so sweet. I thought to myself. "No, no! Don't worry, if I'm in Gryffindor we should definitely room together!" I said, causing her to smile.

As we approached the castle doors, my heart dropped and my stomach filled with butterflies. I stopped causing Hermione to look back at me.

"Is everything okay?" She questioned.

I took a deep breath, "Yea, I'm just nervous. A good nervous though." I felt someone pat my arm from behind me, making me turn my head.

"Hey, it will all be great, don't worry Indigo." Ron sent me a warm smile and kept his hand on my arm. As we walked again his hand left it's original position, the golden trio and I walked through the front doors of the castle.

A/N: OKAY! First chapter is done!! I know it's pretty boring and I'm sorry about that, but I wanted to make it like an introduction almost to all the characters. Also, about the Ipod, in this only really Indigo has an Ipod because she got it from the muggle world, though it does play modern songs. I know it doesn't really make sense, but I love music and have to include it lol. Okay well I hope you enjoyed ah! :)))

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