the truth

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Indigo's POV:


Meet me back at the common room at 3:00 am.


Is all his note read.

Interesting, I wondered what he was planning. I hated surprises, so I was not enjoying the feeling of not knowing what we were going to do.

I made my way up to my dorm, to get a few hours of sleep in before I had to join him downstairs.

It was around 11:30 PM when I finally fell asleep.


My alarm went off, making me jump out of bed to turn it off before any of my roommates woke up.

I was unsuccessful when I heard Hermione stir from her bed, sitting up to look at who was getting up.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"2:55 am." I said, shyly.

"What are you doing up?" She rubbed her eyes.

"I am going to go meet Ron." I whispered, not wanting to cause anyone else to wake up.

"Indigo.." Sleep deprived and tired, she somehow made herself sound serious, like my mother, "I don't think you should go."

I looked at her shocked, "Why not?"

"I just, I think you should stay here tonight." She nervously started picking at her nail beds.

"Okay, but why Hermione?" I questioned.

"Because he sucks." She said quietly.

"Why does he suck? What are you not telling me?"

"I've known him for almost three years, he's not the kind of guy to stay with the same girl for long. I just don't want you going out and doing something with him and then getting hurt." She confessed.

"What, like you think I'm going to have sex with him?" I whisper screamed angrily, while still trying to keep everyone asleep.

"No, Indigo, I don't know what you are going to do with him and I'm not telling you not to, I'm just saying I don't want you to do something you would later regret. I see the way he looks at you and yes, it's sweet and kind and loving, but he looked at Lavender the same way."

"Okay, who is this Lavender girl and why is she so involved in my relationship?" I grew more and more angry.

"She's basically Ron's ex, but they never dated. They were just together for a long time." I could tell she regretted telling me what she was telling me, but she was too deep in now, "They always had a kind of spark between them, until Ron lost interest and only really stayed with her until he found another girl he thought he liked. I love you and I just don't want you to fall into his trap."

I was shocked at her words. This was Ron she was talking about, her best friend, how could she say these things.

"Why didn't you mention anything earlier?" I wondered.

"I really didn't think he would get to you, but now that I see that he has...I felt guilty not saying something." She placed her hands in her face.

"Listen, Mione, I love you too and I appreciate what your telling me, but I think you're wrong."

She sighed, "I'm not going to control your relationship, but seriously, have you not questioned where he disappears to sometimes?"

"I have."

âme sœur - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now