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Indigo's POV:

Days went by and I forgot to even asked Hermione about what she was promising Ron.

Weeks passed and things were still going good, Ron and I were a "thing," I guess. It had been about 3 weeks since he told me he wanted to be together, but he still hadn't actually asked me out. 

We acted like a couple, I don't why he didn't just ask. 

Christmas break was in a few days and that meant I had to go home and wouldn't see him until the 28th. I was going home early on the 21st, which meant it would be a whole week.

 I know that's really not that long, but it was a long time for us. 

Today was the 20th, meaning I would be leaving tomorrow morning. 

I rubbed my eyes and forced myself out of bed. 

I put on my robe and clothes and made my way down to breakfast. I wanted to spend as much time with my friends as I could before I left. 

Mostly everyone was already at the table. 

"Indigo!" Hermione yelled, tapping my usual seat beside her. 

I happily sat down and began to engage in their conversation. 

Ron had finished eating, but just sat and talked with us. He mostly just stared at me, not in a creepy way, but more of an admiring way. It was cute.

"What are we doing after class, today?" I asked the table, looking for a plan. 

"Let's do something fun!" Neville suggested. 

"Like what?" Harry asked. 

"I don't know." Neville shrugged and continued eating. 

"Quidditch?" Harry suggested. 

We all nodded our heads and called our teams. 

We had classes, but they weren't too bad because most kids were leaving or gone already. Professor Lupin basically just talked to us about what we were doing over break and reminding us to be safe. 

He also discussed the dementor situation, but I honestly hadn't really noticed them here in the first place.

After classes, we all ran back to our dorms and changed into athletic clothes. 

Ron waited in the common room for me and held my hand while we walked to the field. 

One thing he would always do was whenever he was holding my hand, was he would slightly rub his thumb along my fingers or my hand. He constantly had to be rubbing or touching me in some way to show his affection. 

We got on our brooms and began the game. All the Weasley's were on a team vs the rest of us.

Hearing Fred and George yell at their younger siblings was the funniest thing ever. 

"Ron! What are you doing!?" Fred yelled before flying over and whacking him over the head. 

Ron looked dumbfounded, "We are on the same team!" He yelled back. 

"Exactly." Fred flew off. 

After hours of playing, Ginny caught the snitch. She's surprisingly really good for being a second year. 

We hopped down from our brooms and shook hands. 

On our way back, Ron pulled me aside, "I have something special for you, tonight. Be ready by 8." He kissed my neck and then made his way back to the group. 

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