day after

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Indigo's POV:

Somehow, I woke up in my dorm with a pounding headache.

My friends had let me sleep in, but brought me some extra breakfast. I was not in the mood to eat anything though.

My stomach was in knots, I only remembered last night up to a certain point and then it all went black.

I explained my loss of memory to my friends and they told me they just brought me up here which made me feel a little better. I wouldn't been so embarrassed if I had done something dumb last night.

Hermione had somehow made a potion to cure a hangover, so I willingly drank it. It tasted absolutely terrible, "Hermione? What's in this?" It tasted like throw up.

This taste brought back a memory from last night, before Mione could answer I asked, "Wait, did I throw up last night?"

She looked a little uncomfortable, "Yeah, you did. But, it wasn't bad." She rubbed my shoulder.

I nodded and began getting ready. I looked in the mirror to find all my eye makeup from last night was now all down my face.

"Was I crying?" I yelled from the bathroom.

What the hell happened?

"Uhh, yeah, when we got back to the dorms. It was all good, Indigo," She walked into the bathroom, "I promise, everything was fine." She began nervously picking at her nails.

I continued to wash off my face and fix up my hair before I had to get to class.

My hangover did slowly fade, thanks to Hermione. The girls hung out with me outside during our breaks since it was nice out.

I forgot to ask Hermione about her date, so I decided to bring it up.

"Oh...we aren't like talking anymore, or whatever we were...we aren't." Her face was a bit red.

"I'm so sorry, Mione." I hugged her, "He's so dumb anyway."

She giggled, "He really is."

Matilda and Angel had to get to class, so that just left Hermione and I.

As we were reading, she suddenly got up and said she had to go somewhere. She seemed like it was super important, so curiously, I began asking about her whereabouts.

"It's just one of my other classes." She said, not making eye contact.

"Which one..." I knew she wasn't to have any classes at this time.

"If I tell you this, you can't tell anyone." She looked at me dead serious.

"Yeah, of course, what is it?" I got closer to her, so she could whisper.

"Mcgonagall gave me this necklace that I can almost time travel with." I thought she was lying. I laughed like she was crazy, until I noticed she was serious.

"Oh, you're serious." I looked around her neck to see the golden string tucked below her tie.

"I wanted to take some extra classes and this was the only way to take them all. I've been dying to tell you, but I was nervous somehow it would get out, but I trust you." She smiled.

"I promise I won't tell a soul." I held my pinky out for her to connect her's with mine.

We kissed our thumbs in sync and then chuckled at ourselves.

"Well, I really need to go. Love you, bye!" She called as she picked up her books and began speed walking back into the castle.

This left me alone in my thoughts.

âme sœur - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now