silver with a ruby pendant

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Indigo's POV:

I woke up with good vibes and happy thoughts.

I changed into some cute brown corduroy pants, a white top and a leather jacket to finish off the look. Oh, and of course my white shoes.

I basically skipped to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and do my makeup.

"Who drugged Indigo?" Matilda asked sleepily from her bed.

I leaned my head out of the bathroom to see them giving each other worried glances.

"Can I not be in a good mood?" I asked, with a toothbrush halfway in my mouth.

"No. You can't." Matilda turned over and pulled her blankets up over her face.

Angel had made her way out of bed and threw on a cute, yellow themed outfit. She was the actual embodiment of an angel as a person, I swear.

Hermione got out of bed and her hair was all over the place. I snickered as she walked in.

"Nice hair, Mione." She punched me as she started to get into the shower.

As I've said, we are a very close group, so we change infront of each other with no problem. We kiss all the time, not in a sexual way, but saying bye, when we are drunk, just because, we just give each other kisses to show affection, I guess?

After we all got ready, we made our way to the great hall for breakfast. I got some pancakes and bacon with orange juice.

"Orange juice? You're a psycho." Matilda eyed my drink as I sipped it.

"It's good!" I insisted.

The boys all began coming down, sleepily taking their seats. Ron had walked down with Harry and had two plates in his hands.

"Aw, Ron. That was sweet of you to hold Harry's plate." Hermione stated a little sarcastically.

"What?" He looked confused, "No, these are mine." he plopped down across from us.

He looked up at me, realizing I wasn't in my usual attire, "Woah. You look...woah." he said with food basically falling out of his mouth.

I blushed, but told him if he talks with his mouth full one more time, I will literally throw his food across the hall. Adding an innocent smile after my statement.

We are both very sarcastic, which was a reason why we get along so well.

After breakfast, we made our way to our common room to wait for everyone to get ready.

Once everyone had left the room, Ron pulled me close and attached his lips to mine.

I tasted the syrup I had earlier and was sure he did too. He pulled away, "Mmm," he hummed, "You taste so sweet."

He kissed me again, trying to get another taste, "It's syrup." I kissed him again.

Ron is very gentle when he kisses me, he doesn't use too much tongue like Oliver did. Ron's actually a very good kisser.

Kids started flooding the common room, breaking up our little...sesh.

As a big group we all headed to Hogsmeade, Harry still didn't get a signature from his guardian, so he couldn't come. It's crazy to think of how much has already changed from our last trip here.

Ron and I walked hand in hand and Hermione hadn't argued with Ron once today.

Hermione was actually busy in a conversation with Matilda, Angel, Tommy and Lucas. Lucas was cute, blonde, tall, but nothing compared to Ron.

âme sœur - ron weasleyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant