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Indigo's POV:

It's been about a week and a half since Halloween and for some reason I couldn't get Ron out of my head. 

I decided it was time to actually try and find another guy to get my mind off him. 

Harry had mentioned that Oliver Wood had asked about me before, but I honestly had never really had a real conversation with Oliver. 

Today was the day to start. 

We had classes today, meaning I would have to meet him after school somewhere. 

I got dressed into my usual uniform with my robe and skirt. During Snape's class, he told me if I didn't unroll my skirt I would lose Gryffindor 10 points, so I had to make it the normal length. 

The second I left class I rolled it back up though. I knew I had Snape's class first today and made sure to walk in with my skirt at normal length, so he wouldn't attack me. 

I walked to potions and was very early, so I got to pick my own seat. 

The room filled in with more kids and Snape started class. 

Harry was sitting in front of me next to Neville and Hermione was next to me. 

As much as everyone hated Snape's class, I honestly didn't mind it. I liked potions. We got to learn about how to make so many cool things and as long as you paid attention you were fine. If only Snape didn't hate me so much, I would've probably gotten a better grade in his class. 

He always picked on me and asked me the hardest question he could ask. Of course Draco would get asked something easy like how to make a hair raising potion. 

Draco hasn't spoken to me since Halloween. Whenever he sees me, he glares and then turns away. 

I would just roll my eyes because what is he going to do, tell his dad on me? 

Finally, lunch rolled around. I had gotten a sandwich and was sitting at our usual spots. Harry and Ron sat across from Hermione and I and the rest of our friends filled in around us. 

"Hey, Harry." I asked, shifting his attention from his food to me, "What's Oliver doing after school today?" I asked.

"Probably going to the quidditch fields, why?" He said with a mouthful of chips. 

"No reason, just wanted to talk to him." I said simply. I looked over to Ron, who seemed to be unbothered at my question. 

We finished lunch and headed to our classes. My last class was over at around 2 today, so I went back to my dorm and threw on a gym outfit. Sports bra, leggings and some cute running shoes. 

I wish I could tell you the last time I ran, but I can't. 

I decided running to the quidditch fields would show Oliver I like sports, just like he does. We could bond over it. 

I got to the stadium and sure enough Oliver was there flying on his broom. 

I ran to the middle of the stadium and waited until he saw me and came down.

"White? What are you doing here?" He asked. 

Cute, he calls me by my last name.

"I want to play quidditch!" I said excitedly. 

"You do?" He seemed sceptical, "Did someone put you up to this? Not that you wouldn't play, it's just you've never been interested before."

"I've been playing with Harry and it's actually really fun!" I knew he liked Harry, so throwing his name in would hopefully earn me a few more points. 

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