january 29

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TW: Drugs and Alcohol will be involved in these next few chapters

Indigo's POV:

I started going to classes again, which automatically made everyone assume I was okay again.

I watched Ron from a far, but I never let him catch me.

He did the opposite though, he would do anything to catch a glimpse of me, he would send me notes during classes, try and catch me in the hallways; every time i saw him, he said the same thing.

I'm sorry, please talk to me. I miss you

I ignored it all.

Finally, the day came; January 29th.

I was finally turning 15.

I woke up to a great big birthday breakfast. I had to give it to my friends, they really were the only reason I have had any kind of happiness in the past couple of weeks.

They had woken up early and went into the kitchen and made me homemade pancakes with birthday candles on top and whipped cream with a glass of orange juice. Matilda said pouring that glass of orange juice felt like it was against all her morals, but she did it just for me.

It was friday, so unfortunately, I did have to get up for classes, but they were more enjoyable than I expected.

All the professors that I had that day wished me a Happy Birthday. Professor Mcgonagall had even gotten me a new book, which was definitely not necessary, but she assured me it was no big deal.

The book wasn't just any normal book, it was a muggle story book.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, it read.

I showed the girls, Hermione was really the only one interested in it.

They all waited until after classes to give me their gifts.

I was gifted a new dress from Matilda; it was stunning "Where would I ever wear this?" I asked.

"I have something in mind." Her voice trailed off.

Angel quickly handed me another gift, "Open it! I know you will love it. Please open it already!" Her excitement made me giggle.

I opened the box to find a moving picture of all of us from one of our first days at Hogwarts. It seemed so long ago.

The picture was in a decorated frame by Angel herself, filled with glitter and gems.

I hugged both the girls and squealed. I loved them both.

Mione was the last to hand me a gift, "I know it's not much." She handed me a round object, perfectly wrapped. I wish I knew how she did it!

I unwrapped it to find a snow globe. I thanked her, but was a little confused as to the purpose. She later explained that she has a matching one and if I shook mine hers would begin to snow and slightly light up.

My mouth dropped, "I love magic." I gave her a big hug.

I loved all my gifts so much, nothing could make tonight better...or so I thought.

"Wait! try on the dress ASAP!" Matilda convinced me, so I did.

It was the cutest mini dress I had ever owned. It was pink and cinched up the sides, it fit perfectly.

Later, they suggested we go make a cake, so we walked down to the common room. They told me to stay in my dress and we could run around the castle in fancy dresses. I laughed, but nonetheless stayed in my dress. I was the first to walk down the stairs and was greeted with tons of balloons and streamers everywhere.

âme sœur - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now